"I love witnessing miracles everyday of the body healing itself once the interference has been removed from the body" -Dr. Heather L. Giesen
Friday, December 31, 2010
Thank You!!
Thank You again for welcoming me into the community and I look forward to the pleasure of serving you in 2011!
Watching Your Back,
Dr. Heather
Thursday, December 30, 2010
How Long Will It Take?
The hardest part of my job is when I meet someone that is frustrated, suffering or in pain. Many times they just didn't know where to look first and others have put up with it for such a long time they thought it was 'normal'.
Either way, there are times I get asked this question, "How long will it take to 'fix' my problem?" People don't realize what a loaded question this is. The first thing we need to ask ourselves is, "How long did it take for this problem to get there?" This doesn't mean when did you first notice pain. This means, when did your spine first start to wear down and produce this injury? Realistically, I can not give an exact time frame as to when a problem will be 'fixed'. What I can tell you is in most cases our problems started to take root in very early childhood. So, if you have never been to a chiropractor before or you only went here and there when something hurt, it will probably take a while help get it under control and we might not even be able to 'fix' the problem.
I had a conversation about this with a patient the other day who was obviously frustrated that the pain she has been having for a few weeks isn't completely gone after a handful of adjustments. Her spine is not even close to ideal position, she has probably had the 'problem' for over 30 years and has never had her spine looked at by a chiropractor. I had to remind her that I told her it wasn't going to go away overnight. It was sad to see her so frustrated and missing the fact that had in fact made a lot of progress.
Chiropractic is an amazing thing, but its strong suit is not an immediate result. Chiropractic works best if you start early to prevent problems from starting in the first place. I love it when I have a whole family come in for their appointment, not because something hurts but because they want to live a healthy life!!
Expect Miracles!! Be Realistic!!
Watching Your Back,
Dr. Heather
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
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Saturday, December 11, 2010
Sleep Away Back Pain?
December 1, 2010
Dear Patients and Friends,
If you have back pain, there is an interesting study you should know about. It might help you get out of pain – while you sleep.
Here’s what it’s all about: If you don’t know how important sleep is, you should. This month’s newsletter mentions the results of a study that found subjects who slept 8.5 hours a night lost 55% more weight than subjects who only slept 5.5 hours per night.
Many studies have shown there are negative effects on your health if you don’t get enough sleep. Now, a new study says the bed you choose is very important and affects back pain.
That may be nothing new to you since you probably spend approximately one-third of your life sleeping (or trying to sleep). It makes complete sense that your bed will affect back pain.
But what may be new to you is what this study said about which bed you should choose.
The study said it is indeed possible to increase the quality of sleep and reduce pain and discomfort in your back depending on the sleep surface (bed) you use. And the sleep surface you choose should be based on the position you sleep in.
This is much different than just prescribing one bed for all cases of back pain. If the results of this study hold true – different beds should be used for different positions.
So, if you have back pain, it is a good idea to speak with your Chiropractor and figure out which type of bed will be best for you. And if you have any questions, feel free to give us a call at 952-758-8760.
Getting quality sleep might not only relieve your back pain… it might help you live a healthier, happier life.
Dr. Heather L. Giesen, D.C.
A Free Monthly Newsletter For The Friends and Patients of:
“Discourage litigation. Persuade your neighbors to compromise whenever you can. As a peacemaker,
the lawyer has superior opportunity of being a good man. There will still be business enough.” ~Abraham Lincoln
To Weight Loss…
Study Says: SLEEP MORE To Drop Pounds!
- Study shows dieters who slept 3 hours more than others lost 55% more body fat!
- Another study shows diet is not enough... diet + exercise drops more weight.
- Do you eat McDonalds? Photos taken every day for SIX MONTHS show Happy Meals don’t decompose! Other photos show 12 year old hamburger still looks the same!
- Many “All Natural” foods are far from it. Find out what brands don’t live up to their claims!
And You Don’t Want To Miss THIS: Meet the most inspirational fisherman… EVER! If you read nothing else in this newsletter… read this!
New Prague – Are you lazy? Come on – it’s just the two of us. You can admit it and it will be our little secret! Well, even if you aren’t “lazy,” I’m sure you look for the quickest and easiest way to get things done.
For example, if you had these two weight loss programs – that work equally as well – which one would you pick…
(1)You have to wake up at 5:00 a.m. every day and run 5 miles, then you eat almost nothing for breakfast, then almost nothing for lunch, then you workout like a dog for 2 hours after work, and eat a teeny tiny dinner. Then, you go to bed and do it all over again tomorrow. And you do this every day. Or…
(2) You take a pill, sleep late… and wake up skinny.
Obviously, you’d probably choose #2. Any sane person would – as long as the “pill” was safe.
Anyways, you get the point.
Well, there is no “pill” that works like that. But, a study has just been published that claims sleeping is a very important part of weight loss.
In fact, research from the University of Chicago showed dieters who slept for 8.5 hours lost 55 percent more body fat than dieters who slept only 5.5 hours.
The authors of the study stated,
“Lack of sufficient sleep may compromise the efficacy of typical dietary interventions for weight loss and related metabolic risk reduction.”
Researchers think sleep may affect levels of a hormone called ghrelin. Increased levels of this hormone have been shown to increase appetite and increase fat retention. The subjects in this study who slept less claimed to be hungrier than those who slept more. According to the study’s authors:“Together, these results suggest that the loss of sleep at times of limited food intake amplifies the pattern of ghrelin-associated changes in human hunger, glucose, fat utilization, and energy metabolism.” It should be noted the sample size in this study was small and further research on this subject is needed to make definitive conclusions. While we are on the weight loss topic, here’s another study you might find interesting…
Diet & Exercise?
USA Today reports two-thirds of people in the United States are overweight. “Overweight” is defined as being 30 or more pounds over a healthy weight. This means 66% of Americans, because of their weight, are at higher risk for Type 2 Diabetes, heart disease and even some types of cancer. That’s why it is so important to lose weight if you are overweight. New research published online in the Journal of the American Medical Association compared exercise combined with diet versus diet only.
Here’s what researchers found... At six months, people in the diet-and-exercise group lost an average of 24 pounds and had better reduction in belly fat and liver fat than those in the delayed-exercise group, who lost an average of 18 pounds. After a year, people in the diet-and-exercise group lost 27 pounds compared to 22 pounds in the delayed-exercise group. “This shows that a traditional diet-and-exercise program can work for people who are very obese,” says lead author, Bret Goodpaster, an Associate Professor of Medicine at the University of Pittsburgh. Most participants in the study lost between 30-40 pounds… but a handful lost nearly 100.
Recently, a study published in the September 2008 Journal of Obesity raised a few eyebrows. The study contrasted diet versus exercise for weight loss and concluded that, even though exercise may be good for strengthening bones and muscles, improved mental health and mood, lowering blood pressure, improved cholesterol levels and reduced the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, breast cancer and colon cancer… it may not be the best thing for weight loss. According to one of the study’s authors: “We would love to say that physical activity has a positive effect on weight control, but that does not appear to be the case.” This obviously contradicts the previous study mentioned in this newsletter, at least on the surface. This is one of the problems with studies – they are often conflicting, which is why common sense must enter into your decision-making process.
Researchers in the last study mentioned the reason exercise may not have been effective in weight less is because an increase in exercise may cause people to eat more. This clearly does not mean exercise is not effective – it means people were unable to control what they ate. Just because some people use a little exercise as an excuse to eat whatever they want does not mean exercise is not effective.
“All Natural” Foods That
Are Far From All Natural
We all want to eat as healthy as possible, but with time constraints and money issues, eating right can be very difficult. Now there is one more hurdle you must watch out for…
And that hurdle is: Food companies making blatantly false claims about their products. For example, Ben & Jerry’s seems to be a great company. They contribute greatly to many causes such as family farmers, climate change, etc. – all great stuff. But, their claim that their ice cream is made from “all natural” ingredients is false.
According to food.change.org; “The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) recently asked Ben & Jerry's to remove the ‘all natural’ stamp from its ice cream containers, claiming that ingredients like high fructose corn syrup, alkalized cocoa, and hydrogenated oil are far from natural. These ingredients are, in fact, quite heavily processed.” Ben & Jerry's heeded CSPI's demands and agreed to remove the “all natural" label from its ice cream containers.
Ben & Jerry's may be the one taking heat from CSPI, but the ice cream maker is hardly alone in its misuse of the "all natural" label. Other ice-cream makers like Edy's/Dreyer's, Breyer's, Friendly's, Turkey Hill, and more do the same exact thing. This problem is not isolated to just ice cream. The real problem is that while the U.S. Department of Agriculture regulates the “all natural” claim, they have no real definition of what an “all natural” food item is.
Ben & Jerry’s voluntarily removed the “all natural” label from its products. Others have not.
And don’t forget, if you ever have any questions or concerns about your health talk to us. Contact us with your questions. We’re here to help and don’t enjoy anything more than participating in your lifelong good health.
Inspirational Story Of The Month –
(Names And Details Have Been Changed To Protect Privacy)
The economy stinks. Real estate is worthless. Jobs are hard to find. Bills are piling up. It’s hard just getting out of bed sometimes.
Here is why….
It was a lazy Saturday morning. Drinking coffee and watching TV was on the menu since there was nothing else to do. Nothing. Next channel. Nothing. Next channel. Then a fishing show stopped me dead in my tracks.
That’s right… a fishing show. How could a fishing show stop me dead in my tracks and keep me interested for more than two seconds? Good question. The answer is: Because it was about the most incredible pro fisherman that has ever lived… Clay Dyer.
The story starts out with a boat in Alabama’s lake Guntersville. Someone is casting his bait into the water. The scene changes to a close-up of pro Bass Fisherman, Clay Dyer. He’s talking about how everyone thought he was crazy, and how he’s living his dream. Clay is 27 years old. He has been on the pro bass fishing circuit for two years and never won an event. He hasn’t even made the second day – not even once.
So, what’s the big deal about Clay?
The next scene shows Clay “walking” down a dock with his fishing pole. The announcer says, “So go ahead…take a good long look at him…he’s used to it by now.”
The image of Clay is striking. For reasons doctors still do not understand, Clay was born without legs or a left arm. On the right side he has a small appendage maybe one-third the size of a normal arm. Clay “wiggles” down the dock to do what he loves… fish as a professional.
Next, Clay’s parents comment on their son’s amazing life. Neither can get out a word without breaking down in tears. Nothing held Clay back as a child. He learned to throw a Frisbee… swing a baseball bat…and played basketball with his brother. His brother said, “Clay didn’t need any motivation – he always figured out a way to succeed.”
Clay is adamant about not using ANY special equipment. He said he never wanted anyone to treat him special. He never treated himself special. He wanted to do everything in life everyone else does… and do it the way they do it. He wanted to do it with no legs and a small piece of an arm the way they do it with two.
Clay uses the exact same fishing rods and reels as everyone else. In fact, he uses a bait caster – which is the most difficult reel to use. Many weekend anglers don’t use one because they can’t get the hang of it. Watching Clay fish is one of the most amazing things you will ever see. And seeing his story may be the most important ten minutes of your life. That’s why you should go to this link and watch it now. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glrU4JKV1SI
And, if you are a tough guy and don’t want anyone to see you cry – you better watch it alone.
We love helping our patients and their friends and relatives through their tough times and getting them feeling better! We are here to help you stay feeling better and looking younger! Don’t be a stranger. Call us and we will assist you in putting together a customized maintenance plan. It’s not a luxury anymore! With our low monthly payment plan, it’s less expensive to maintain your good health! You really can afford Chiropractic care! Don’t wait until you can no longer move!
Did You Know?... Shoppers who do not regularly wash their reusable grocery bags may be placing themselves and their families at heightened risk of food borne illness. It is estimated there are about 76,000,000 cases of food borne illness in the United States every year. Most of these illnesses originate in the home from improper cooking or handling of foods. Reusable bags, if not properly washed between uses, create the potential for cross-contamination of foods. Only 3 percent of shoppers wash their reusable grocery bags out regularly. Most shoppers don’t use separate bags for meat and produce, and some shoppers even use their bags for toting objects other than food. Contamination potential exists when raw meat products and foods traditionally eaten uncooked (fruits and vegetables) are carried in the same bags, either together or between uses. This risk can be increased by the growth of bacteria in the bags. Washing the bags by machine or hand reduces bacterial presence to nearly zero.
Tip Of The Month – Tips To Make Things Last Longer And Save Your Hard-Earned Money… Times are tough. The economy is bad. Use these simple tips to make what you have last longer, save money, and make your life easier and more secure… Very few people have money to burn these days. Most are just trying to make ends meet. Too many are really struggling to keep their home and feed their family. What many people don’t understand is just how large of an impact a handful of small changes can make. For example, according to www.simplyinsulate.com, “If your home is as little as 5 to 10 years old, you likely have one of the 46 million under-insulated homes in the U.S., according to the Harvard University School of Public Health. Adding more insulation is easy. Plus, insulation is one of the lowest cost options for improving the energy efficiency of your home. It pays off fast and keeps paying off with better comfort and energy savings for as long as you own your home.” Free Guide To Save You Money - If you go to www.simplyinsulate.com, you can download a guide from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act to help you make your home energy efficient and save money for years and years. The site even has an “energy savings calculator” you can use to find out an estimate of how much you will save by making your home energy efficient. Decreasing both heat and air conditioning bills can really add up. How Your Car Can Save You Money - Another great way to save money is to keep your car in tip top shape. This will not only seriously decrease your odds of a very expensive breakdown in the middle of nowhere… it will save you money for gas, tires, repair bills and your car will last much longer. Keeping your tires properly inflated is extremely important. Under inflated tires cause you to burn more gas and wear out much faster – not to mention safety issues. Rotating tires every 5,000-8,000 miles can dramatically expand the life of your tires. Tires And Pressure? Also, having the right size tires for you car will actually save you money. Smaller tires may be cheaper today, but they will wear much faster and have to be replaced. Keep a tire pressure gauge in your glove compartment and check the pressure at least once a week. Tire pressure gauges are only a few bucks and can be purchased in many stores or gas stations. And make sure you get the oil changed every 3,000 miles and have a mechanic you trust keep you up-to-date on all other scheduled maintenance. Changing the oil routinely is one of the most important things you can do to keep your car running properly for years and years. Keeping up with regular maintenance is always cheaper in the long run than “driving until something breaks.” Ironically, the same is true about your body and health. As a general rule – spend a little to maintain now as opposed to a lot later.
Remember, we’re always here, using the miracle of Chiropractic
to help your body heal and maintain the health you deserve.
This information is solely advisory, and should not be substituted for medical or chiropractic advice. Any and all health care concerns, decisions, and actions must be done through the advice and counsel of a healthcare professional who is familiar with your updated medical history. We cannot be held responsible for actions you may take without a thorough exam or appropriate referral. If you have any further concerns or questions, please call our office at 952-758-8760.
Don't Forget.....
On A Side Note
Thursday, December 9, 2010
When Should I Start?
Our nervous system is working overtime during pregnancy making sure the baby is developing perfectly. If there is ever a time we want our nerves to be perfect, it is when it is in control of developing another human being. To answer that question specifically, we should begin chiropractic care prior to getting pregnant so that our body is at its highest function from the time of fertilization.
Aside from ideal fetal development, chiropractic care also provides other benefits during pregnancy. It keeps our spine flexible and balanced, allows the pelvis to be in ideal position for the baby to pass through the birth canal during birth. It keeps the internal organs functioning well and removes postural stresses put on the body. Chiropractic care can help maintain pregnancy, control nausea and vomiting, back pain and help with labor.
For years I have been teaching women the benefit of being under chiropractic care during pregnancy but after recently being pregnant and having my first child, I don't know how women go through pregnancy and labor without chiropractic adjustments!
The best gift you can give your developing child is to make sure your spine is taken care of during pregnancy. The most important piece is not the aches and pains that go along with pregnancy, it is all the hard work your body is doing, which you can not see or feel...the development of your child!
There is nothing better than meeting a beautiful child at the end of this journey and then checking their spine after birth to make sure they start off life in perfect health!
Watching Your Back,
Dr. Heather L. Giesen
Thursday, November 11, 2010
I'll See You Soon!!!
The time has come to head back to adjusting. I will resume adjusting on Monday November 29th.
The hours I will be in the office will be:
Monday 8 am - 12:30 pm, 2:30 pm - 6 pm
Tuesday 7:15 am - 12:30 pm
Wednesday 2:30 pm - 6 pm
Thursday 2:30 pm - 6 pm
Friday 7:15 am - 12:30 pm
I look forward to seeing you all soon. I wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving!!
Dr. Heather
Saturday, October 23, 2010
IT'S A BOY!!!!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010
A Note From Heather
From: Dr. Heather L. Giesen, D.C.
August 30, 2010
Dear Patients and Friends,
It’s that time of the year again. Summer is ending. The nights are getting longer, days shorter, weather cooler, and it’s time for the kids to go back to school.
And with "back to school" comes "back to activities." This means YOU end up running around like a chicken with your head cut off. Have you ever felt exhausted at the end of the day, but can’t remember really getting anything done?
Yeah… when you have kids, we all feel that way sometimes.
That’s why NOW is the best time to come in for a Chiropractic tune-up. Two visits could help you relieve stress and prevent any serious problems that stress, strain and running around can cause.
Everyone knows you don’t want to wait until your back "goes out" – especially not this time of the year.
Imagine having to do all the "back to school" stuff while suffering from agonizing pain. No, I’m not talking about all the mental pain caused by running around like crazy… I can’t help that!
I’m talking about physical pain: back pain, neck pain or headaches.
So… "back to school" means "back to the Chiropractor." I completely understand you are busy. That’s why we will fit you in whenever it’s a good time for you. Your visit will not take long, but it could make you feel a whole lot better!
So give us a call at 952-758-8760 and we’ll get you in and feeling better ASAP.
Dr. Heather L. Giesen, D.C.
Make sure you tell your friends and family about our Back to School special. All New Patients receive a consultation, computerized nerve scan and examination, all necessary x-rays and a complete Report of Findings for only $27. That is $168 off the retail price. Offer expires September 30th. Schedule today before spots fill up.
In Good Hands
A Free Monthly Newsletter For The Friends and Patients of:
“The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it.” – George Bernard Shaw
Do You Know These Facts
About Drinking Coffee?
. The pros and cons of drinking coffee (before you exercise)
. Sports Stadium Food NIGHTMARE! Many failed inspections... Salmonella... Rat feces…
.San Francisco Bans Soda From Vending Machines (What’s Next?)
.Prozac shortens lifespan of ocean shrimp. (Why are shrimp even taking Prozac?)
New Prague – Do you want to walk up to someone you’ve never met and tell them something about themselves and be right more than 50% of the time?
If you do, all you have to do is tell them they drank coffee today.
More than half of Americans drink coffee every single day.
In fact, according to CBS news, “After oil, coffee is the second most valuable commodity in the world. More than 50 percent of Americans drink coffee every day — 3 to 4 cups each, more than 330 million cups a day and counting.” Many people use coffee as a crutch to wake up every day. I’m sure you’ve heard someone say, “I’m worthless until I have my first cup.”
It’s also common to see people drink coffee before they work out. If you’ve spent any time in gym, you’ve probably seen people actually drinking coffee during their workout!
But is all this coffee drinking good?
The answer is yes… and no…
A recent U.S. News and World Report article claims caffeine could be an asset to your workout.
The article states, “Yes, a caffeine kick could be a valuable addition to your pre-exercise routine, delaying muscle fatigue and keeping you focused and energetic.”
Then it goes on to warn, “You don't want to overdo it, though. Sleep problems, headaches, irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure, or maybe even a heart attack can result.”
WOW! We’re not sure the benefits outweigh the risks.
Bottom line: Caffeine is a drug and ALL drugs have side effects. Most people make the mistake and believe if something is “natural,” then it is safe (or at least safer than a drug). Snake venom is natural. So is Mercury. Some of the most toxic substances known to man are natural.
So, the big question for you is: do you really think it is a good idea to use a stimulant every single day of your life? It is entirely up to you.
On a similar note…
Ocean Shrimp Are On Prozac!
It’s true. Due to flushing medication, ocean shrimp are now taking the popular anti-depressant. Here’s the scary part: Researchers studied the effects of Prozac on shrimp and found they became easier prey.
According to National Geographic: “The fluoxetine likely makes shrimp's nerves more sensitive to serotonin, a brain chemical known to alter moods and sleep patterns ... animals other than shrimp likely suffer from these high doses of fluoxetine”.
Fluoxetine is a key ingredient in Prozac. Scientists exposed shrimp to the fluoxetine at levels detected in average sewage-treatment waste. Shrimp normally gravitate toward dark corners, but when exposed to fluoxetine, they became five times more likely to swim toward a bright region of water, making them more likely to be eaten by a predator.
Study Reveals How Cranberry Juice Helps
Urinary Tract Infections
If you’ve had a urinary tract infection (UTI), you’ve probably heard all about the home remedy: cranberry juice. For years, it was nothing but an “old wive’s tale” without any scientific proof. Now, cranberry juice is widely accepted to fight the bacteria that causes UTIs… but the mechanism of exactly how it works is still not known.
Now, a study from the Worcester Polytechnic Institute is finally shedding some light on the secrets of Cranberry juice’s bacteria fighting power. According to researchers, 95% of UTIs are a pathogenic strain of the same E. Coli bacteria found in the intestines. The “bad” E. Coli have little arm-like appendages that grab onto and anchor themselves to the cells of the urinary tract.
These tiny anchors are important because without them, every time you went to the bathroom, the force of your urine would simply flush the bacteria out of your body. As soon as the E. Coli get a good grip on the Urinary Tract cell walls – they start multiplying.
Fast Moving Little Buggers!
What’s amazing is E. Coli doubles in number in one hour and it only takes a few hours to cause an infection.
Cranberries have been known to help as far back as 1620. Clinical trials were conducted in 1923 and researchers believed cranberries increased the acidity of urine, killing the bacteria. Sixty years later, scientists realized cranberries did not make urine acidic enough to kill E. Coli.
Now, a new study theorizes cranberries work to protect you from UTIs in a very different way. Here’s the new theory: Cranberries contain large amounts of a chemical called proanthocyanidin or PAC. PAC functions almost like a shield that blocks the arms or anchors of E. Coli from attaching to the cells in the urinary tract. These shields actually make the “anchors” crumble when they try to attach themselves to the urinary tract.
An Ounce Of Prevention Is Worth
A Pound Of Cranberries…
Here is something very important: According to the research, Cranberries’ “shields” were only effective at preventing a UTI. In other words, cranberry “shields” only worked when E. Coli was trying to attach itself – once it was attached, cranberries did not have the same affect. According to the researchers, "Cranberry juice seems more effective at preventing future bacterial infections than treating an existing one." The study was published online on June 21 in the journal, Molecular Nutrition & Food Research.
WARNING: Eat Sports Stadium Food
At Your Own Risk!
A July 25th article on ESPN.com revealed some shocking news. The website’s writers reviewed health department inspection reports at all 107 North American arenas and stadiums that are home to Major League Baseball, the National Football League, the National Hockey League and the National Basketball Association teams.
At 30 of the stadiums, more than 50% of the concession stands or restaurants had been cited for at least one "critical" or "major" health violation. These violations pose a risk for food borne illnesses that can possibly prove fatal.
Some of the violations included food not properly cooked, reheated or held at unsafe temperatures, because that allows the growth of dangerous bacteria such as E. Coli, Salmonella, and Staphylococcus Aureus.
According to ESPN: “In the past few years, Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis and Angel Stadium in Anaheim were cited with dozens of critical violations for rodent infestations. The violations ended up on local TV stations and in newspapers. Lucas Oil Stadium faced $3,500 in fines, and the violations in Anaheim angered officials with the city, which owns the stadium.”
And don’t forget, if you ever have any questions or concerns about your health talk to us. Contact us with your questions. We’re here to help and don’t enjoy anything more than participating in your lifelong good health.
On a Side Note
If you want to buy a Coke, Pepsi or Orange Fanta from a vending machine on city property in San Francisco… you can’t. That’s because Mayor Gavin Newsome, under an executive order, has banned non-diet sodas, sports drinks and artificially sweetened water. Fruit and vegetable juice must be 100% juice and diet sodas can be no more than one quarter of what the vending machine offers.
The San Francisco Chronicle reports this is the Mayor’s effort to combat obesity and promote health.
The Mayor’s administration points to a study linking soda with obesity. One recent UCLA study showed adults who drink at least one soft drink a day are 27% more likely to be obese than those who do not. One had to wonder: What will be banned next?
(Names And Details Have Been Changed To Protect Privacy)
Who Else Wants A Popsy Cake?
How A 16-Year Old Student Started A Business
And Took Her Simple Idea All The Way To The Top
You’ve probably never heard of a “Popsy Cake” and you’ve probably never heard of Jessica Cervantes.
Mark these words – because you will be hearing a lot about both very, very soon.
Here is why: When Jessica was only 16 years old, she decided to create a business with the help of The Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE).
Jessica always liked baking and had learned quite a bit from her grandmother. So, when she became part of the International Business and Finance Academy at John A. Ferguson Senior High School, she decided to put her baking skills… and imagination to good use.
In New York City, Jessica competed against 25,000 business students across the country and won first place on October 23, 2008. First prize was $10,000. Not bad for a high school kid!
But, that’s just the beginning…
What She Created Is Causing A Tremendous Buzz In The Business World!
What is it that Jessica created? It’s call a Popsy Cake and it is a cupcake on an edible stick. “Big deal,” you say? Well, maybe you should check this out…
Jessica got the idea when she noticed how messy it was to eat a cupcake. So, Jessica thought putting the cupcake on a stick would makes things easier – and less messy.
And better yet – what would be better than putting a cupcake on a cookie stick? As the story turns out – not much!
The process involved a lot of trial and error. Jessica added that her earliest experiments were inedible. “The first Popsy Cake I tried, I couldn't swallow it. It was so bad. It took several months to create a cupcake that would work. I’m still working on it,” she says. “It's not like the product is completely finished.”
Jessica reports her biggest challenge continues to be time management. “It's crazy. In high school, I thought that it was overwhelming.” Now that she's a full-time student at Miami-Dade Honors College, it's even worse.
She spends Thursdays baking the weekend’s orders. Bill Hansen Catering is letting her use the company's commercial kitchen. She says her largest order to date is 400 Popsy Cakes for an event. More typically, she fulfills orders for several dozen cupcakes.
Still, the profit she's made to date has paid for a lot of schoolbooks. “I can't dedicate myself fully to it. I don't have a location yet. I haven’t quite established myself. It’s a work in progress.”
Business May Be Getting A Whole Lot Better Fast…
It’s reported that Jessica and her Popsy Cake business have caught the eye of media mogul Richard Branson and Popsy Cakes may be added as a treat at some of his businesses.
This will probably break the 400 Popsy Cake order record and automatically put her business into super high gear!!!
Popsy Cakes sell for $5.00 each and you can design your own at the website www.popsycakes.com. Even though Jessica has not made much money… YET!... she still donates 5% of what she brings in to breast cancer research.
Jessica is currently majoring in Biomedical Engineering, yet hopes to one day become a corporate lawyer.
It’s amazing how the will and determination to succeed can bring a little 16-year old girl, with a cupcake on a stick, all the way to owning a thriving business and a potential blockbuster deal with Richard Branson.
It truly proves you can be successful at whatever you put your mind to and hard work behind because, let’s be honest, it’s not the cupcake on the stick, it’s Jessica. She would be successful at anything she decides to do.
We love helping our patients and their friends and relatives through their tough times and getting them feeling better! We are here to help you stay feeling better and looking younger! Don’t be a stranger. Call us and we will assist you in putting together a customized maintenance plan. It’s not a luxury anymore! With our low monthly payment plan, it’s less expensive to maintain your good health! You really can afford Chiropractic care! Don’t wait until you can no longer move!
Welcome New Patients
Jessica T. (Referred by Corey T! Thanks Again!)
Natalie A. Welcome!
Jerod O. (Referred by Katie B! Thanks Again!)
Jerry G. Welcome!
Brooke B. (Referred by Dr. Detterman! Thanks Again!)
Greta D. (Referred by Kim D! Thanks Again!)
Taylor D. (Referred by Greta D! Thanks Again!)
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Back To School Special!!!!!
To some this is an exciting time, for others, not so much. Either way you look at it, the body endures many more stresses during the school year. One thing I really focus on is backpack safety. Our children are running around with their backpacks filled to the brim with books and other necessities. In reality, the backpack should not weigh more than 15% of the child's body weight. If you think about it, that isn't a whole lot that can be stuffed into our bags. Parents, I encourage you to monitor your child's backpack to keep their spine safe.
The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) estimates that 7,860 emergency room visits each year result from injuries related to book bags. This number doesn't include the number of visits to other physicians. The CPSC also reports that backpack-related injuries are up 360% since 1996.
Make sure you stay proactive and keep your spine and your child's spine healthy by having your chiropractor examine you! If you haven't been examined, make sure you take advantage of our Special Offer!
For the month of September, all new patients will receive a consultation, examination with computerized nerve scans, all necessary x-rays and a full report of findings for only $27!!! Retail price is $195. Make sure you call and schedule today before all the spots are filled up!
Watching your Back,
Dr. Heather Giesen
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
What Happens To Your Body Within An Hour Of Drinking A Coke?
In Foods that Hurt on October 24th, 2007
Don’t drink cola if you want to be healthy. Consuming soft drinks is bad for so many reasons that science cannot even state all the consequences. But one thing we know for sure is that drinking Coke, as a representative of soft drinks, wreaks havoc on the human organism. What happens? Writer Wade Meredith has shown the quick progression of Coke’s assault.
The main problem is sugar. It’s an evil that the processed food industry and sugar growers don’t want people to know about. Even dietitians, financially supported by sugar growers and sugary product manufacturers, are loathe to tell us the truth.
Don’t believe that dietitians are influenced by huge corporate concerns that feed people sugar, drugs and other health-defying ingredients? Go to their official website and check out the sponsors yourself. They are right there in plain sight: http://www.eatright.org/corporatesponsors/
When somebody drinks a Coke watch what happens…
In The First 10 minutes: 10 teaspoons of sugar hit your system. (100% of your recommended daily intake.) You don’t immediately vomit from the overwhelming sweetness because phosphoric acid cuts the flavor allowing you to keep it down.
20 minutes: Your blood sugar spikes, causing an insulin burst. Your liver responds to this by turning any sugar it can get its hands on into fat. (There’s plenty of that at this particular moment)
40 minutes: Caffeine absorption is complete. Your pupils dilate, your blood pressure rises, as a response your livers dumps more sugar into your bloodstream. The adenosine receptors in your brain are now blocked preventing drowsiness.
45 minutes: Your body ups your dopamine production stimulating the pleasure centers of your brain. This is physically the same way heroin works, by the way.
>60 minutes: The phosphoric acid binds calcium, magnesium and zinc in your lower intestine, providing a further boost in metabolism. This is compounded by high doses of sugar and artificial sweeteners also increasing the urinary excretion of calcium.
>60 Minutes: The caffeine’s diuretic properties come into play. (It makes you have to pee.) It is now assured that you’ll evacuate the bonded calcium, magnesium and zinc that was headed to your bones as well as sodium, electrolyte and water.
>60 minutes: As the rave inside of you dies down you’ll start to have a sugar crash. You may become irritable and/or sluggish. You’ve also now, literally, pissed away all the water that was in the Coke. But not before infusing it with valuable nutrients your body could have used for things like even having the ability to hydrate your system or build strong bones and teeth.
So there you have it, an avalanche of destruction in a single can. Imagine drinking this day after day, week after week. Stick to water, real juice from fresh squeezed fruit, and tea without sweetener.
Primary Source: by Wade Meredith
Watching Your Back,
Dr. Heather Giesen
Monday, August 16, 2010
Back to School Back Trouble
Think Carrying a Backpack is “No Big Deal?” Think Again!
Twelve pounds in an average child’s backpack X 10 lifts per day = 120 pounds Per day X 180 school days per year = 21,600 pounds lifted in one school year (That’s nearly 11 tons of weight; the equivalent of six mid-sized automobiles!).
This research stems from the increasing number of reports of childhood back pain in recent decades. By the end of their teen years, more than 50% of youths experience at least one low-back pain episode (Spine 1998; 23:228-34). And new research indicates that this increase may be due, at least in part, to the improper use of backpacks. But you don’t need to be a scientist to understand the effect of backpacks on young spines; watch children in any schoolyard struggle to walk while bent sideways under the weight of an overloaded backpack on one shoulder - you’ll quickly realize the potential danger of this commonplace item.
Backpacks Attack on Backs
How exactly does carrying a backpack affect the spine? “Common sense tells us that a heavy load, distributed improperly or unevenly, day after day, is indeed going to cause stress to a growing spinal column,” explains Dr. Marvin T. Arnsdorff, chiropractor and co-founder of the Backpack Safety America school education program. “The old adage ‘as the twig is bent, so grows the tree’ comes to mind. We are seeing a growing concern about the improper use of backpacks and the relatively scarce amount of instructional and preventive information available to young people.”
The Consumer Product Safety Commission estimates that 4,928 emergency room visits each year result from injuries related to book bags and back carriers. And schlepping around a backpack can cause not only acute injury, but also long-term damage.
Six Steps to Preventing Backpack-Related Injuries
With regular chiropractic checkups and a few simple preventive measures, you can keep your child injury free. Following are five winning tips from experts at the Backpack Safety America program.
1) Ensure that your child’s backpack is sturdy and appropriately sized. some manufacturers offer special child-sized versions for children ages five to ten. These packs weigh less than a pound and have shorter back lengths and widths to prevent slippage.
2) Consider more than looks when choosing a backpack. An ill-fitting pack can cause back pain, muscle strain or nerve impingement. To help distribute the load, look for packs with padded shoulder straps and waist straps.
3) Ensure that the weight of your child’s pack does not exceed 15% of his or her body weight.
4) Avoid overloading by prioritizing the items your child carries and elimination unnecessary contents.
5) Teach your youngster to pack his or her backpack by evenly distributing the contents throughout the pack.
6) Insist that your child never carry a backpack on one shoulder. Both shoulder straps - as well as the waist strap - should be used at all times.
(Courtesy of Backpack Safety America)
Hauling a heavy backpack over one shoulder every day may provoke serious postural misalignments. And, postural imbalances often trigger a condition called vertebral subluxation. Vertebral subluxations are dysfunctional areas in the spine where movement is restricted or bones (vertebrae) are out of alignment. This disorder predisposes patients to a myriad of ailments, such as neck and back pain, headaches and osteoarthritis.
In addition, a recent scientific experiment found that carrying a backpack alters the mobility of spinal bones, leading to restricted movement - a risk factor for back pain (Surg Radiol Anat 1999; 21:109-13). Another study used magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to examine the effect of backpacks on the intervertebral discs of the spine, the fluid-filled “pillows” between spinal bones. According the the article, backpacks alter the fluid content of these discs, a risk factor for disc herniation (“slipped” disc) and osteoarthritis (Spine 1999; 15;24:1015-22).
Proper Backpack Lifting Technique
Lifting technique is an essential, yet often-overlooked, aspect of backpack safety. Repeated improper lifting of a backpack - even a lightweight one - can wreak havoc on your child’s spine. Here’s the correct way to lift a pack:
1-Face the backpack before you lift it.
2-Bend at the knees.
3-Using both hands, check the weight of the pack.
4-Lift with your legs, not with your back.
5-Carefully slip on one shoulder strap at a time; never sling the pack onto one shoulder. (Courtesy of Backpack Safety America)
A Cure for the Backpack Blues
Fortunately, there is a solution to this childhood health-care crisis: chiropractic care. Chiropractors are experts in spinal biomechanics and backpack safety techniques. As prevention specialist, chiropractors work to educate the community about the proper use of backpacks. In addition, doctors of chiropractic offer spinal checkups for youngsters. These checkups include a through postural assessment, evaluation for vertebral subluxations, and specific recommendations for injury prevention If you’re a parent, don’t ignore this potential threat to your child’s health. Schedule a chiropractic evaluation for your youngster today. •
Watching Your Back,
Dr. Heather Giesen
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
A Note From Dr. Heather
Weight Loss
Without Hunger?
From: Dr. Heather Giesen, D.C.
July 29, 2010
Dear Patients and Friends,
Everyone wants to lose a little weight – but it sure stinks being hungry! Well, what if there was a way to lose weight… and be healthier… without being so darn hungry all the time?
Would that be something you would be interested in learning about? If you would, this might be your lucky day. Here is why…
Part of this month’s newsletter talks about “insulin resistance.” If you have not read the newsletter, please read the first story. It explains all about insulin resistance and how it affects your health. Basically, when you eat something, your body breaks it down and glucose (a sugar) is released into the bloodstream. Your pancreas secretes insulin so your cells absorb the glucose in the blood and use it for energy.
If you eat junk foods with a lot of simple sugar (soda, candy, etc.), you will have a tremendous amount of sugar in your bloodstream and your pancreas with have to work overtime. Too much sugar leads to your body becoming insulin resistant and, basically, your pancreas shuts down.
Exercise has been shown to help insulin resistance, but eating the right foods is just as important.
There is an index call the glycemic index or GI that is a ranking of carbohydrates (sugars) on a scale of 0-100 according to the extent they raise your blood sugar level after eating.
Foods with a high GI inject a lot of sugar into your bloodstream rapidly while low GI foods do the opposite. Low GI foods produce a gradual rise in blood sugar and insulin levels. This is a much more stabile source of energy and does not spike blood sugar giving you the highs and lows associated with high GI foods.
High GI foods end up giving you short-term energy that you lose quickly, making you feel hungry again. Low GI foods spread out the energy and you do not feel hungry nearly as soon.
That’s why eating foods with low GI values not only help you lose weight and improve your overall health… you don’t have to feel like you are starving!
How do you know the GI of the foods you are eating? One of the best ways I have found is to use this website: www.glycemicindex.com.
You can read more about GI and if you want to know the GI of foods you are eating, simply click on “GI Database” on the left side of the website. Then, you can put in just about any food and you will get its GI value.
If you have any questions about this or weight loss in general, feel free to ask at your next appointment.
We have also found neck or back pain makes it very difficult for patients to achieve their weight loss goals. Exercise becomes difficult and many times, frustration sets in.
That is why it is important to get your spine checked and make sure you are pain free and functioning optimally to help achieve your weight loss goals.
Give us a call and set up an appointment today if you have any questions or would like a back or neck pain check-up. The number is 952-758-8760.
Dr. Heather Giesen, D.C.
“We all have strength enough to endure the misfortunes of others.” - Francois de La Rochefoucauld
Better Than Low-Fat?
- Study shows this type of woman lost more weight after 3 months on low-carbohydrate diet than traditional low-fat diet with same number of calories.
- Not all people have the same response to diets.
- The hormone that may be responsible for your weight loss – or lack of weight loss.
- Why ignoring this hormone (and eating the wrong foods) can lead to not only weight problems – but early death.
- Single? First date dinner and a movie? NO WAY! Find out why this is the biggest mistake you can ever make!
- Can DARK CHOCOLATE lower blood pressure? Find out what the results of 15 studies show.
- Meet Ray and his candy store – the ultimate American dream!
Who knows? In the meantime, you’re confused and not losing any weight. Well, get ready for some possible answers… and a few more questions…
First, The Results Of A New Study
The June 19th, 2010 edition of The Endocrine Society reports, “[According to a new study ,] Obese women with insulin resistance lose more weight after three months on a lower-carbohydrate diet than on a traditional low-fat diet with the same number of calories...” The study’s lead author, Raymond Plodkowski, MD, Chief of Endocrinology, Nutrition and Metabolism at the University of Nevada School of Medicine, Reno wrote, “The typical diet that physicians recommend for weight loss is a low-fat diet… However, as this study shows, not all people have the same response to diets.”
According to the researchers, for this group of women, the lower carbohydrate diet is more effective, at least in the short term. The study lasted 12 weeks and was funded by Jenny Craig. It found the insulin resistant women on the lowest-carb diet lost 3.4 pounds more than those on the low-fat diet. Total calories for all groups were the same. The low-fat diet included 60% of its calories from carbs, 20% from fat, and 20% from protein. The low-carb diet included 45% of its calories from carbs, 35% from primary unsaturated fats, and 20% from protein.
Both diets included a minimum of 2 fruits and 3 vegetable servings a day. The use of prepared meals made the structured diets easier and more palatable for the dieter. “These data have potential widespread applications for clinicians when counseling people with insulin resistance to help improve weight loss as part of a calorie-restricted diet,” Plodkowski said. “They should at least initially lower their carbohydrate intake.”
What Is Insulin Resistance?
Since the women in the above-mentioned study were all insulin resistant – you might be wondering, "what is insulin resistance?" Insulin resistance is a condition where the body produces insulin but does not use it properly. Insulin is a hormone made by the pancreas to break down glucose in the blood so it can be used for energy.
Glucose is a form of sugar and is the body’s #1 source of energy. After your digestive system breaks food down into glucose, glucose is then transported to different parts of your body via the bloodstream. Glucose in the blood stream is called “blood glucose” or “blood sugar.” After you eat, blood glucose levels rise and your pancreas secretes insulin to allow cells to absorb and use the glucose.
When people are insulin resistant, they do not respond properly to insulin. In other words, even though the pancreas secretes insulin, it is not effective in getting the glucose from the blood into the cells. More insulin is needed so the pancreas works harder and secretes more. Eventually, the pancreas cannot keep up with the increased demand and glucose builds up in the blood. This is the beginning of diabetes. It is common for diabetics to have high levels of both glucose and insulin circulating in the bloodstream. Insulin resistance not only sets the stage for developing Type 2 Diabetes, it increases the odds of the number one killer in America: heart disease.
According to the American Diabetes Association:
“People with diabetes have a higher-than-average risk of having a heart attack or stroke. These strike people with diabetes more than twice as often as people without diabetes.”
What Causes Insulin Resistance?
Very good question. There seem to be several contributing factors. The first factor may be genetic. Some scientists think specific genes make certain people more susceptible to insulin resistance. But, genes aren’t everything. Weight and lack of physical activity also seem to play a major role. Then, there are the types of food you eat… The more junk sugars (ice cream, candy bars, etc.) you eat, the more your little pancreas has to work to keep up with all the sugar that has been dumped into the bloodstream. Just like everything else, there is only so much work your pancreas can do. If the pace is too high for too long, it will basically burn out and quit. It is important to stop this process before it gets too far. Exercise, weight loss and proper diet can reverse many cases of insulin resistance and pre-diabetes.
According to the National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse, “The Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) and other large studies have shown that people with pre-diabetes can often prevent or delay diabetes if they lose a modest amount of weight by cutting fat and calorie intake and increasing physical activity; for example, walking 30 minutes a day 5 days a week. Losing just 5 to 7 percent of body weight prevents or delays diabetes by nearly 60 percent. In the DPP, people aged 60 or older who made lifestyle changes lowered their chances of developing diabetes by 70 percent."
With all of this information, the most important message to take away is this: Lifestyle has a major impact on your health. Different people react to different foods and diets in different ways, and it is important to pay attention to what you eat and figure out what is best for you. But no matter what, regular exercise and staying away from junk food loaded with bad fats and sugar is a very good idea. Research may not have all the answers yet, but to our knowledge, there is no study that says sitting on the couch stuffing your face with candy bars and ice cream is good for your health.
for it to last that long?
And don’t forget, if you ever have any questions or concerns about your health talk to us. Contact us with your questions. We’re here to help and don’t enjoy anything more than participating in your lifelong good health.
(Names And Details Have Been Changed To Protect Privacy)
The Ultimate American Dream
The Incredible True Story About Ray, His Candy Store,
And Community Kindness That Makes America Great!
It was 36 years ago. That’s when Ray immigrated to the United States… he had $10 in his pocket, a tremendous work ethic and a desire for the American Dream.
Ray worked hard for years. Then, he worked some more. Instead of going into debt, Ray saved his money. When he had amassed $30,000, he bought a candy store. Ray didn’t slow down. He continued to work hard, and built a wonderful little family business in the East Village of New York City. Everyone knew his candy store. It wasn’t just a store, it was part of the neighborhood – part of the East Village family.
That’s what 36 years of working hard and doing the right thing for your customers and neighbors will create. But, times changed. The United States entered its biggest recession/depression since the Great Depression.
Ray’s profits dwindled… and dwindled.
He cut back and tried to make ends meet. Before he knew it, he could not pay his monthly rent. Things were getting worse and worse, and he thought he was going to have to…
Close His Doors For Good!
Ray had come to America with $10 and a dream and he lived that dream for 36 years. Now, it was all going to end in the blink of an eye.
When word got out that Ray and his store were in deep trouble, the neighborhood who loved him responded. It began when a customer asked Ray this strange question…
“Did you pay your rent?”
“No, I’m a little short.”
The man, without hesitation, reached into his pocket and handed Ray $200. Then he said, “Go pay your rent.”
That was just the beginning. Soon after that, two students, Arianna Gil and Emily Allan, decided they were going to make a difference in not only Ray’s life, but the world.
Arianna and Emily decided they were going to work for Ray. They were going to work around the store and do deliveries…
That’s right. While all their friends were out having fun on a Saturday night, they were on their bikes or skateboards making deliveries for Ray, simply out of the kindness of their hearts.
Their pay was seeing Ray keep his store and the life he had worked so hard for.
Arianna and Emily took it a step further… They went on Facebook and Twitter and got other kids to volunteer.
Then, other people in the neighborhood held a fundraiser and raised $3,000 for Ray.
At this time, Ray is still in business – although he is facing a $25,000 bill for a new ventilation system demanded by the New York City environmental police. A betting man would lay odds on Ray and the people who love him doing whatever it takes to get that bill paid.
But no matter what, Ray’s story shows what’s really special about America… How people can come together, work hard and live out their dreams.
America is truly the land of opportunity. You just have to put in the time and effort to get it done.
Ray’s Candy store is located at 113 Ave A, New York, NY 10009, and the phone number is (212) 505-7609. Just in case you are in the mood for something sweet!
We love helping our patients and their friends and relatives through their tough times and getting them feeling better! We are here to help you stay feeling better and looking younger! Don’t be a stranger. Call us and we will assist you in putting together a customized maintenance plan. It’s not a luxury anymore! With our low monthly payment plan, it’s less expensive to maintain your good health! You really can afford Chiropractic care! Don’t wait until you can no longer move!
Tip Of The Month
Going on a date can be nerve racking. Everyone knows you only get one chance to make a great first impression. Not only that, many people in the dating world say they know if things have a possibility to move forward into a relationship… Within The First Few Minutes Of The Date!!! You’ve probably heard this. “I’m looking for that spark, fireworks, butterflies in my stomach, chemistry, and I know instantly when it’s there.” Clearly, many people these days are looking for things that don’t exist. They see an internet dating commercial where two people describe a fairytale encounter and think that’s what they should have too. Problem is – that’s a commercial. Know this: Fairytales are make-believe. Expecting to go on an internet site (or anywhere else) and find your “perfect match” or Prince Charming that is going to sweep you off your feet and solve all your worldly problems is simply not living in the real world. It is also setting you up for a lifetime of bitter disappointment. Many people like to say, “I will not settle.” But the real question is, won’t settle for what? Bottom line is: everyone is human. Everyone has flaws, including the “perfect” person who “won’t settle.” We all must settle in our lives in certain ways. We all must do things we do not want to do. That also goes for building and maintaining a quality relationship – whether it be friendship or romance. Realizing everyone is human, has flaws, and is probably nervous – no matter how “cool” they seem is the first step in dating success and relationship building. Giving someone 3 minutes to impress you before you open or close your mind is unrealistic. Since perception is reality, it is always in your best interest to make the best first impression you can. A lot of that first impression has to do with where you go and what you do on your first date. Here is rule #1 about the first date and first impressions in general: Don’t do what others do. Here’s why: We all have a past. That past makes up how we perceive things in the present. We cannot escape our psychology. For example, if a woman or man has been on several bad first dates that all consisted of a dinner and a movie, would it make sense to do the same? Of course not. Doing something you have already had bad experiences with will only remind you of those bad experiences. It makes this first date just like all the other miserable ones right from the beginning. It instantly brings out the “Here we go again” reaction. Instead, the secret is: DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT! Even if you have no clue what to do – doing just about anything new will give you better odds of success than not doing what has already failed many, many times. What’s that? You want some examples? That’s what everyone always wants – they want to be told the perfect first date. In reality, there is no cookie-cutter first date. Why not? Because… it all depends on YOU. What kind of personality do you have? What things do you like to do? Your first date should expose your date to at least some of these things. Your date should see how wonderful your personality is and the fun things you like to do with your life. That is, if you have a great personality and do fun things! Think about how you meet new friends and grow those relationships. Do you talk on the phone once or twice and then put yourselves in and awkward position like dinner and a movie? No! You usually meet doing common interest activities and grow the relationship from there. Why is “dating” any different? Having realistic expectations, giving someone a chance and not doing the typical “dating thing” really can produce dramatic results.
On A Side Note
If you love chocolate, you don’t need a reason to eat it. On the contrary – you need a pretty darn good reason not to! For years, chocolate was considered a delightful sin… a little guilty pleasure.
Well, the results of 15 studies may change all that. Here is why… According to a recent press release, “For people with hypertension, eating dark chocolate can significantly reduce blood pressure. Researchers writing in the open access journal BMC Medicine combined the results of 15 studies into the effects of flavanols, the compounds in chocolate which cause dilation of blood vessels, on blood pressure.”
According to the press release, the reduction seen for people with hypertension is comparable to the known effects of 30 minutes of daily exercise and might theoretically reduce the risk of a cardiovascular event by around 20%.
Welcome New Patients!
Fritz L. (Referred in by Jenny G! Thanks Again!)
Clair K. (Referred in by John and Camille K! Thanks!)
Thomas T. Welcome!!
Kurt R. Welcome!!
Neal E. Welcome!!
Monday, August 2, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
Teething usually begins at four to five months but can start as early as three months. Since it can take anywhere from three hours to three weeks to see results, the symptoms can sometimes be misdiagnosed.
Symptoms that go with teething:
• Runny Nose - Clear Mucus
• Irritated Ear
• Mild Fever
• Picky/Fussy Eating
• Disrupted Sleep Patterns
• Irritated Bowel
Commonly mistaken as:
• Cold or Sinus Infection
• Ear Infection
• Cold or Flu
• Stomach/Digestive Disorder
• Colic
• Rash
What are often simply teething symptoms are being misdiagnosed as an ear infection and the American Academy of Pediatrics has recognized that antibiotics are being overly prescribed to children.
When in doubt follow the American Academy of Pediatric guidelines and take a wait-and-watch approach before giving your child any chemicals.
Remember: Children benefit from Chiropractic care; not only for wellness and pain prevention, but as a major support to the immune system. So, get your child checked on a regular basis.
For more information on the new American Academy of Pediatric guidelines please visit their website at http://www.aafp.org/PreBuilt/final_aom.pdf
© 2008 Generations
All rights reserved.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Researchers at Auburn University in Alabama recruited 39 college-age men and women, and measured how the participants walked on a special platform wearing thong flip-flops. On another day, the same participants walked across the platform wearing their own athletic shoes.
When the participants wore flip-flops, they took shorter strides and their heels hit the ground with less vertical force. When walking in flip-flops, they apparently alter their gait, which explains why lower leg and foot problems can occur in people who wear such shoes frequently.
Let me explain how this happens. Your toes try to grip into bottom of the flip-flop to hold them on your feet. Look at your toes in flip-flops. The distal part of your toe is trying to flex down (planter flex) to hold the flip-flop on, while the other part of your toe (middle) is trying to bridge up (dorsi flex). This is the opposite of what your toes should be doing at that time. This improper toe action shortens natural stride, prevents the natural “locking” of your foot and forces your hip and leg musculature to work harder, forcing some muscles to shut down.
Due to this unnatural gait, wearing flip-flops over time will increase chances of bunion formation and hammer toes. This is definitely a problem I see come into my office more in late spring and summer because our weather allows for about 4 months of flip-flop wearing.
Wearing flip-flips around the house, in the backyard, on the beach, and around the pool is fine, but running errands where you are on your feet for long periods of time should be avoided with flip-flops, especially if there is physical activity involved. This is extremely important in kids where they are still developing and establishing their gait patterns.
Going barefoot is a good idea where possible (ie. in the home, backyard). Walking barefoot strengthens foot muscles and increases proprioception. This stabilizes the foot and increases strength in the ankle, knees, and hips. Thus, this improves balance and coordination.
So walking barefoot could be an easy way to contribute to your overall health.
If you would like to learn more about ways to keep your family healthy, you are invited to stop by our office or give us a call at 952-758-8760. We will be very happy to answer any questions you may have.
Watching your Back,
Dr. Heather
Monday, July 12, 2010
Why Should I Return if I'm Feeling Fine?
We are still in a time where the majority of the new patients that enter my office do so with some sort of ailment or pain. As I meet more and more people this trend is starting to change. You see the first thing that people learn when they enter my office is, no matter how we have felt up to this point, our first spinal trauma or subluxation occurs at birth.
By just "feeling fine", you are taking a serious gamble with your health. I have met people who "feel fine" but have no energy; they "feel fine" but sleep poorly; or "feel fine" but are tired, have aches and pains, headaches or backaches. There are too many people who "feel fine" and one day have a sudden heart attack, stroke, debilitating pain or are diagnosed with a serious illness, such as cancer.
By the time many people come to see me they have had long standing spinal subluxations, or misalignments. As a result, scar tissue has built up, postural changes are noticed and tender spots in muscles start to show up. These things take a long time to heal and it may take months or years of spinal adjustments to make your spine strong again. The earlier you begin chiropractic care, the better. The longer you wait, the more you are gambling with your health and the longer it will take to resolve the problem.
Symptoms may start to disappear or feel better after just a few spinal adjustments, however, the degeneration caused by years of ignoring the subluxations still remains. If you wait for your back to "go out" again, it just gets harder to help get rid of the symptom. This is why I recommend that people keep their spine maintained even though they are "feeling fine". This maintenance will help continue to strengthen the spine.
The true purpose of chiropractic is not and was never meant to be a form of treatment of aches and pains. Chiropractic was developed in 1895 to rid your body of subluxations so you are better able to adapt to life's stresses. This is why regular chiropractic users report a better quality of life both physically and mentally with reduced set back from colds or pains.
Why use chiropractic as just another "aspirin" to free you from pain when you can utilize all of chiropractic and ensure better health, vitality and life enjoyment for yourself and your entire family for your entire lives?
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
A Personal Note From Dr. Heather
From: Dr. Heather L Giesen
June 28, 2010
Dear Patients and Friends,
Every year, we see the same thing.
Patients who came in for back or neck pain and started to feel better… disappear into the warm summer nights…
Now, no one blames you. Who wants to go to their Chiropractor when there are so many other (and better!) things to do?
But, there is one thing that happens just about every single summer that really bothers me…
I get calls from patients who had to cancel their vacation plans because of back or neck pain.
This is absolutely terrible because these poor patients have to miss the once a year vacation they have worked hard for and planned for months. Many times, money is lost on reservations that cannot be cancelled on such short notice.
And even worse than not being able to go on your vacation is having your back or neck ‘go out’ while you’re on your vacation! That can put you in a real jam.
That’s why I’m sending you this letter. It’s just a simple reminder to give us a call and get checked out or get a tune-up before your vacation this summer.
Just give us a call at 952-758-8760 and we will get you in ASAP and at your convenience.
You know the old saying…an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
Dr. Heather L Giesen, D.C.
As always, contact me to be added to the Monthy Newsletter Mailing List
On A Side Note
Be Giving You The Boost
You Think It Does!
Think coffee helps you wake up and gives you more energy? Recent research from British scientists says just the opposite. Bristol University researchers found coffee drinkers develop a tolerance to both the anxiety-producing and the stimulating effects of caffeine. In other words, drinking coffee only brings you back to where you should be without coffee – not better or more stimulated. "Although frequent consumers feel alerted by caffeine, especially by their morning tea, coffee, or other caffeine-containing drinks, evidence suggests that this is actually merely the reversal of the fatiguing effects of acute caffeine withdrawal," wrote the scientists led by Peter Rogers of Bristol's Department of Experimental Psychology.
Natural Pain Relief
Ginger Supplements May
Reduce Post Exercise Pain
A recent study published in The Journal of Pain found both raw and heat treated ginger reduced the pain associated with muscle injury when compared with a placebo.
“The primary novel finding was that supplementation with both raw and heat-treated ginger attenuated muscle pain intensity 24 hours after eccentric exercise,” wrote the researchers, led by Chris Black, PhD, from Georgia College and State University. The researchers also added, “Consumption of raw ginger resulted in a 25 percent reduction while heat-treated ginger resulted in a 23 percent reduction in muscle-pain intensity 24 hours post-exercise.” It is believed ginger may have anti-inflammatory and analgesic (pain killing) properties, similar to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
Welcome New Patients!
Here are the new patients that became members of our practice family this last month! We'd like to welcome you publicly, and wish you all the best!
Randy K. Welcome!!
Mike T. Welcome!!
Lori T. Welcome!!
Camille K. (Referred in by John K! Thanks Again!)
Milan S. (Referred in by Carolyn S! Thanks Again!)
Michele B. Welcome!!
Mark W. (Referred in by Sarah P! Thanks Again!)
Lisa L. Welcome!!
Chloe T. (Referred in by Lori T! Thanks Again!)
Alexa T. (Referred in by Lori T! Thanks Again!)