![]() |
Item No. 3602(Citrus sinensis) Whsl: 15 ml bottle $10.75 Retail: $14.14 |
TIP 1: Let's start
simple with this oil, orange simply makes us feel GOOD! It uplifts us and makes us smile. This would be a
great one to diffuse in February when you live in MN like we do, since it
brings to mind tropical, warm locations where oranges can grow! =)
TIP 2: Now
let's go scientific here. All the citrus oils contain limonene, a
molecule that is super amazing and one our bodies would certainly benefit from.
This molecule likes to protect
our healthy cells and
keep them healthy. It also is great at taking care of the cells that aren't so
healthy, the ones that have mutated...never a good thing in our bodies!
TIP 3: This oils is helpful in supporting the collagen formation in our skin...you know...making our
skin more stretchy and healthy, less saggy and wrinkly =)
TIP 4: You know how you are told to take Vitamin C when
you feel a cold coming on? Well, that is because it helps your body work hard
to get the immune system kicked into gear to fight that
cold. Orange essential oil, rubbed over the area of your spleen, does the same
thing! Your spleen is on the left side of your body, just under your chest/rib
cage...opposite to the liver and gallbladder.
TIP 5: Orange
oil, being a citrus oil, is an excellent detoxifier. Simply add a
few drops to your water and drink it throughout your day.
Properties of Orange: antiseptic, anti-depressant, antispasmodic,
anti-inflammatory, carminative, diuretic, cholagogue, sedative and tonic
.* Not all oils or oil companies are the same! Young Living oils are THE ONLY
oils I would trust with internal use! Occasionally an oil will feel
"hot", if this happens, or you get an oil in your eye, add a carrier
oil to dilute it, NEVER water, remember oil and water don't mix! A good carrier
oil could be Young Living's V6 oil or something you cook with like olive or
coconut oil.
All information for education use
only. I cannot treat, diagnose or prescribe. All information is taken from the
Essential Oil desk Reference.
To order
your bottle of Orange,
Contact Dr. Heather Giesen, Young
Living Independent Distributor, Sponsor ID #1419370 952-758-8760, drhlgiesen@gmail.com
To sign up with YOUR OWN Young Living Account follow this link and sign up today!
Please send me YOUR tips for the oils I am sharing with you...we learn from each other!
Let nature’s pharmacy help you out and assist your adjustment!
Heather L Giesen, DC, CACCP
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