Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A Note From Heather

Back To School Means Back To...

From: Dr. Heather L. Giesen, D.C.
August 30, 2010

Dear Patients and Friends,

It’s that time of the year again. Summer is ending. The nights are getting longer, days shorter, weather cooler, and it’s time for the kids to go back to school.

And with "back to school" comes "back to activities." This means YOU end up running around like a chicken with your head cut off. Have you ever felt exhausted at the end of the day, but can’t remember really getting anything done?

Yeah… when you have kids, we all feel that way sometimes.

That’s why NOW is the best time to come in for a Chiropractic tune-up. Two visits could help you relieve stress and prevent any serious problems that stress, strain and running around can cause.

Everyone knows you don’t want to wait until your back "goes out" – especially not this time of the year.

Imagine having to do all the "back to school" stuff while suffering from agonizing pain. No, I’m not talking about all the mental pain caused by running around like crazy… I can’t help that! 

I’m talking about physical pain: back pain, neck pain or headaches.

So… "back to school" means "back to the Chiropractor." I completely understand you are busy. That’s why we will fit you in whenever it’s a good time for you. Your visit will not take long, but it could make you feel a whole lot better! 

So give us a call at 952-758-8760 and we’ll get you in and feeling better ASAP.


Dr. Heather L. Giesen, D.C.

Make sure you tell your friends and family about our Back to School special. All New Patients receive a consultation, computerized nerve scan and examination, all necessary x-rays and a complete Report of Findings for only $27. That is $168 off the retail price. Offer expires September 30th. Schedule today before spots fill up.

In Good Hands
A Free Monthly Newsletter For The Friends and Patients of:

“The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it.” – George Bernard Shaw
Do You Know These Facts
About Drinking Coffee?
. The pros and cons of drinking coffee (before you exercise)
. Sports Stadium Food NIGHTMARE! Many failed inspections... Salmonella... Rat feces…
.San Francisco Bans Soda From Vending Machines (What’s Next?)
.Prozac shortens lifespan of ocean shrimp. (Why are shrimp even taking Prozac?)

New Prague – Do you want to walk up to someone you’ve never met and tell them something about themselves and be right more than 50% of the time?
If you do, all you have to do is tell them they drank coffee today.
More than half of Americans drink coffee every single day.
In fact, according to CBS news, “After oil, coffee is the second most valuable commodity in the world. More than 50 percent of Americans drink coffee every day — 3 to 4 cups each, more than 330 million cups a day and counting.” Many people use coffee as a crutch to wake up every day. I’m sure you’ve heard someone say, “I’m worthless until I have my first cup.”
It’s also common to see people drink coffee before they work out. If you’ve spent any time in gym, you’ve probably seen people actually drinking coffee during their workout!
But is all this coffee drinking good?
The answer is yes… and no…
A recent U.S. News and World Report article claims caffeine could be an asset to your workout.
The article states, “Yes, a caffeine kick could be a valuable addition to your pre-exercise routine, delaying muscle fatigue and keeping you focused and energetic.”
Then it goes on to warn, “You don't want to overdo it, though. Sleep problems, headaches, irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure, or maybe even a heart attack can result.”
WOW! We’re not sure the benefits outweigh the risks.
Bottom line: Caffeine is a drug and ALL drugs have side effects. Most people make the mistake and believe if something is “natural,” then it is safe (or at least safer than a drug). Snake venom is natural. So is Mercury. Some of the most toxic substances known to man are natural.
So, the big question for you is: do you really think it is a good idea to use a stimulant every single day of your life? It is entirely up to you.
On a similar note…
Ocean Shrimp Are On Prozac!
It’s true. Due to flushing medication, ocean shrimp are now taking the popular anti-depressant. Here’s the scary part: Researchers studied the effects of Prozac on shrimp and found they became easier prey.
According to National Geographic: “The fluoxetine likely makes shrimp's nerves more sensitive to serotonin, a brain chemical known to alter moods and sleep patterns ... animals other than shrimp likely suffer from these high doses of fluoxetine”.
Fluoxetine is a key ingredient in Prozac. Scientists exposed shrimp to the fluoxetine at levels detected in average sewage-treatment waste. Shrimp normally gravitate toward dark corners, but when exposed to fluoxetine, they became five times more likely to swim toward a bright region of water, making them more likely to be eaten by a predator.
Study Reveals How Cranberry Juice Helps
Urinary Tract Infections
If you’ve had a urinary tract infection (UTI), you’ve probably heard all about the home remedy: cranberry juice. For years, it was nothing but an “old wive’s tale” without any scientific proof. Now, cranberry juice is widely accepted to fight the bacteria that causes UTIs… but the mechanism of exactly how it works is still not known.
Now, a study from the Worcester Polytechnic Institute is finally shedding some light on the secrets of Cranberry juice’s bacteria fighting power. According to researchers, 95% of UTIs are a pathogenic strain of the same E. Coli bacteria found in the intestines. The “bad” E. Coli have little arm-like appendages that grab onto and anchor themselves to the cells of the urinary tract.
These tiny anchors are important because without them, every time you went to the bathroom, the force of your urine would simply flush the bacteria out of your body. As soon as the E. Coli get a good grip on the Urinary Tract cell walls – they start multiplying.
Fast Moving Little Buggers!
What’s amazing is E. Coli doubles in number in one hour and it only takes a few hours to cause an infection.
Cranberries have been known to help as far back as 1620. Clinical trials were conducted in 1923 and researchers believed cranberries increased the acidity of urine, killing the bacteria. Sixty years later, scientists realized cranberries did not make urine acidic enough to kill E. Coli.
Now, a new study theorizes cranberries work to protect you from UTIs in a very different way. Here’s the new theory: Cranberries contain large amounts of a chemical called proanthocyanidin or PAC. PAC functions almost like a shield that blocks the arms or anchors of E. Coli from attaching to the cells in the urinary tract. These shields actually make the “anchors” crumble when they try to attach themselves to the urinary tract.
An Ounce Of Prevention Is Worth
A Pound Of Cranberries…

Here is something very important: According to the research, Cranberries’ “shields” were only effective at preventing a UTI. In other words, cranberry “shields” only worked when E. Coli was trying to attach itself – once it was attached, cranberries did not have the same affect. According to the researchers, "Cranberry juice seems more effective at preventing future bacterial infections than treating an existing one." The study was published online on June 21 in the journal, Molecular Nutrition & Food Research.
WARNING: Eat Sports Stadium Food
At Your Own Risk!

A July 25th article on ESPN.com revealed some shocking news. The website’s writers reviewed health department inspection reports at all 107 North American arenas and stadiums that are home to Major League Baseball, the National Football League, the National Hockey League and the National Basketball Association teams.
At 30 of the stadiums, more than 50% of the concession stands or restaurants had been cited for at least one "critical" or "major" health violation. These violations pose a risk for food borne illnesses that can possibly prove fatal.
Some of the violations included food not properly cooked, reheated or held at unsafe temperatures, because that allows the growth of dangerous bacteria such as E. Coli, Salmonella, and Staphylococcus Aureus.
According to ESPN: “In the past few years, Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis and Angel Stadium in Anaheim were cited with dozens of critical violations for rodent infestations. The violations ended up on local TV stations and in newspapers. Lucas Oil Stadium faced $3,500 in fines, and the violations in Anaheim angered officials with the city, which owns the stadium.”

And don’t forget, if you ever have any questions or concerns about your health talk to us. Contact us with your questions. We’re here to help and don’t enjoy anything more than participating in your lifelong good health.

On a Side Note

San Francisco Bans Certain Soda From Vending Machines

If you want to buy a Coke, Pepsi or Orange Fanta from a vending machine on city property in San Francisco… you can’t. That’s because Mayor Gavin Newsome, under an executive order, has banned non-diet sodas, sports drinks and artificially sweetened water. Fruit and vegetable juice must be 100% juice and diet sodas can be no more than one quarter of what the vending machine offers.
The San Francisco Chronicle reports this is the Mayor’s effort to combat obesity and promote health.
The Mayor’s administration points to a study linking soda with obesity. One recent UCLA study showed adults who drink at least one soft drink a day are 27% more likely to be obese than those who do not. One had to wonder: What will be banned next?
Inspirational Story Of The Month –
(Names And Details Have Been Changed To Protect Privacy)

Who Else Wants A Popsy Cake?

How A 16-Year Old Student Started A Business
And Took Her Simple Idea All The Way To The Top

You’ve probably never heard of a “Popsy Cake” and you’ve probably never heard of Jessica Cervantes.
Mark these words – because you will be hearing a lot about both very, very soon.
Here is why: When Jessica was only 16 years old, she decided to create a business with the help of The Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE).
Jessica always liked baking and had learned quite a bit from her grandmother. So, when she became part of the International Business and Finance Academy at John A. Ferguson Senior High School, she decided to put her baking skills… and imagination to good use.
In New York City, Jessica competed against 25,000 business students across the country and won first place on October 23, 2008. First prize was $10,000. Not bad for a high school kid!
But, that’s just the beginning…
What She Created Is Causing A Tremendous Buzz In The Business World!
What is it that Jessica created? It’s call a Popsy Cake and it is a cupcake on an edible stick. “Big deal,” you say? Well, maybe you should check this out…
Jessica got the idea when she noticed how messy it was to eat a cupcake. So, Jessica thought putting the cupcake on a stick would makes things easier – and less messy.
And better yet – what would be better than putting a cupcake on a cookie stick? As the story turns out – not much!
The process involved a lot of trial and error. Jessica added that her earliest experiments were inedible. “The first Popsy Cake I tried, I couldn't swallow it. It was so bad. It took several months to create a cupcake that would work. I’m still working on it,” she says. “It's not like the product is completely finished.”
Jessica reports her biggest challenge continues to be time management. “It's crazy. In high school, I thought that it was overwhelming.” Now that she's a full-time student at Miami-Dade Honors College, it's even worse.
She spends Thursdays baking the weekend’s orders. Bill Hansen Catering is letting her use the company's commercial kitchen. She says her largest order to date is 400 Popsy Cakes for an event. More typically, she fulfills orders for several dozen cupcakes.
Still, the profit she's made to date has paid for a lot of schoolbooks. “I can't dedicate myself fully to it. I don't have a location yet. I haven’t quite established myself. It’s a work in progress.”
Business May Be Getting A Whole Lot Better Fast…
It’s reported that Jessica and her Popsy Cake business have caught the eye of media mogul Richard Branson and Popsy Cakes may be added as a treat at some of his businesses.
This will probably break the 400 Popsy Cake order record and automatically put her business into super high gear!!!
Popsy Cakes sell for $5.00 each and you can design your own at the website www.popsycakes.com. Even though Jessica has not made much money… YET!... she still donates 5% of what she brings in to breast cancer research.
Jessica is currently majoring in Biomedical Engineering, yet hopes to one day become a corporate lawyer.
It’s amazing how the will and determination to succeed can bring a little 16-year old girl, with a cupcake on a stick, all the way to owning a thriving business and a potential blockbuster deal with Richard Branson.
It truly proves you can be successful at whatever you put your mind to and hard work behind because, let’s be honest, it’s not the cupcake on the stick, it’s Jessica. She would be successful at anything she decides to do.

We love helping our patients and their friends and relatives through their tough times and getting them feeling better! We are here to help you stay feeling better and looking younger! Don’t be a stranger. Call us and we will assist you in putting together a customized maintenance plan. It’s not a luxury anymore! With our low monthly payment plan, it’s less expensive to maintain your good health! You really can afford Chiropractic care! Don’t wait until you can no longer move!

Welcome New Patients

Here are the new patients that became members of our practice family this last month! We'd like to welcome you publicly, and wish you all the best!

Jessica T. (Referred by Corey T! Thanks Again!)

Natalie A. Welcome!

Jerod O. (Referred by Katie B! Thanks Again!)

Jerry G. Welcome!

Brooke B. (Referred by Dr. Detterman! Thanks Again!)

Greta D. (Referred by Kim D! Thanks Again!)

Taylor D. (Referred by Greta D! Thanks Again!)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Back To School Special!!!!!

We are celebrating the start of a new school year!

To some this is an exciting time, for others, not so much. Either way you look at it, the body endures many more stresses during the school year. One thing I really focus on is backpack safety. Our children are running around with their backpacks filled to the brim with books and other necessities. In reality, the backpack should not weigh more than 15% of the child's body weight. If you think about it, that isn't a whole lot that can be stuffed into our bags. Parents, I encourage you to monitor your child's backpack to keep their spine safe.

The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) estimates that 7,860 emergency room visits each year result from injuries related to book bags. This number doesn't include the number of visits to other physicians. The CPSC also reports that backpack-related injuries are up 360% since 1996.

Make sure you stay proactive and keep your spine and your child's spine healthy by having your chiropractor examine you! If you haven't been examined, make sure you take advantage of our Special Offer!

For the month of September, all new patients will receive a consultation, examination with computerized nerve scans, all necessary x-rays and a full report of findings for only $27!!! Retail price is $195. Make sure you call and schedule today before all the spots are filled up!

Watching your Back,

Dr. Heather Giesen