Wednesday, August 25, 2010

What Happens To Your Body Within An Hour Of Drinking A Coke?

In Foods that Hurt on October 24th, 2007

Don’t drink cola if you want to be healthy. Consuming soft drinks is bad for so many reasons that science cannot even state all the consequences. But one thing we know for sure is that drinking Coke, as a representative of soft drinks, wreaks havoc on the human organism. What happens? Writer Wade Meredith has shown the quick progression of Coke’s assault.
The main problem is sugar. It’s an evil that the processed food industry and sugar growers don’t want people to know about. Even dietitians, financially supported by sugar growers and sugary product manufacturers, are loathe to tell us the truth.
Don’t believe that dietitians are influenced by huge corporate concerns that feed people sugar, drugs and other health-defying ingredients? Go to their official website and check out the sponsors yourself. They are right there in plain sight:

When somebody drinks a Coke watch what happens…
 In The First 10 minutes: 10 teaspoons of sugar hit your system. (100% of your recommended daily intake.) You don’t immediately vomit from the overwhelming sweetness because phosphoric acid cuts the flavor allowing you to keep it down.

 20 minutes: Your blood sugar spikes, causing an insulin burst. Your liver responds to this by turning any sugar it can get its hands on into fat. (There’s plenty of that at this particular moment)

 40 minutes: Caffeine absorption is complete. Your pupils dilate, your blood pressure rises, as a response your livers dumps more sugar into your bloodstream. The adenosine receptors in your brain are now blocked preventing drowsiness.

 45 minutes: Your body ups your dopamine production stimulating the pleasure centers of your brain. This is physically the same way heroin works, by the way.

 >60 minutes: The phosphoric acid binds calcium, magnesium and zinc in your lower intestine, providing a further boost in metabolism. This is compounded by high doses of sugar and artificial sweeteners also increasing the urinary excretion of calcium.

 >60 Minutes: The caffeine’s diuretic properties come into play. (It makes you have to pee.) It is now assured that you’ll evacuate the bonded calcium, magnesium and zinc that was headed to your bones as well as sodium, electrolyte and water.

 >60 minutes: As the rave inside of you dies down you’ll start to have a sugar crash. You may become irritable and/or sluggish. You’ve also now, literally, pissed away all the water that was in the Coke. But not before infusing it with valuable nutrients your body could have used for things like even having the ability to hydrate your system or build strong bones and teeth.

So there you have it, an avalanche of destruction in a single can. Imagine drinking this day after day, week after week. Stick to water, real juice from fresh squeezed fruit, and tea without sweetener.

Primary Source: by Wade Meredith

Watching Your Back,

Dr. Heather Giesen

Monday, August 16, 2010

Back to School Back Trouble

Are you sending your child off to the first day of school with a brand-new backpack slung over his or her shoulder? If you’re like most parents, a new backpack was on your child’s back-to-school shopping list. You may want to think twice before putting your youngster on the bus with this schoolyard “staple.” New research reveals an alarming danger associated with childhood backpack use.

Think Carrying a Backpack is “No Big Deal?” Think Again!

Twelve pounds in an average child’s backpack X 10 lifts per day = 120 pounds Per day X 180 school days per year = 21,600 pounds lifted in one school year (That’s nearly 11 tons of weight; the equivalent of six mid-sized automobiles!).

This research stems from the increasing number of reports of childhood back pain in recent decades. By the end of their teen years, more than 50% of youths experience at least one low-back pain episode (Spine 1998; 23:228-34). And new research indicates that this increase may be due, at least in part, to the improper use of backpacks. But you don’t need to be a scientist to understand the effect of backpacks on young spines; watch children in any schoolyard struggle to walk while bent sideways under the weight of an overloaded backpack on one shoulder - you’ll quickly realize the potential danger of this commonplace item.

Backpacks Attack on Backs

How exactly does carrying a backpack affect the spine? “Common sense tells us that a heavy load, distributed improperly or unevenly, day after day, is indeed going to cause stress to a growing spinal column,” explains Dr. Marvin T. Arnsdorff, chiropractor and co-founder of the Backpack Safety America school education program. “The old adage ‘as the twig is bent, so grows the tree’ comes to mind. We are seeing a growing concern about the improper use of backpacks and the relatively scarce amount of instructional and preventive information available to young people.”

The Consumer Product Safety Commission estimates that 4,928 emergency room visits each year result from injuries related to book bags and back carriers. And schlepping around a backpack can cause not only acute injury, but also long-term damage.

Six Steps to Preventing Backpack-Related Injuries

With regular chiropractic checkups and a few simple preventive measures, you can keep your child injury free. Following are five winning tips from experts at the Backpack Safety America program.

1) Ensure that your child’s backpack is sturdy and appropriately sized. some manufacturers offer special child-sized versions for children ages five to ten. These packs weigh less than a pound and have shorter back lengths and widths to prevent slippage.

2) Consider more than looks when choosing a backpack. An ill-fitting pack can cause back pain, muscle strain or nerve impingement. To help distribute the load, look for packs with padded shoulder straps and waist straps.

3) Ensure that the weight of your child’s pack does not exceed 15% of his or her body weight.

4) Avoid overloading by prioritizing the items your child carries and elimination unnecessary contents.

5) Teach your youngster to pack his or her backpack by evenly distributing the contents throughout the pack.

6) Insist that your child never carry a backpack on one shoulder. Both shoulder straps - as well as the waist strap - should be used at all times.

(Courtesy of Backpack Safety America)

Hauling a heavy backpack over one shoulder every day may provoke serious postural misalignments. And, postural imbalances often trigger a condition called vertebral subluxation. Vertebral subluxations are dysfunctional areas in the spine where movement is restricted or bones (vertebrae) are out of alignment. This disorder predisposes patients to a myriad of ailments, such as neck and back pain, headaches and osteoarthritis.

In addition, a recent scientific experiment found that carrying a backpack alters the mobility of spinal bones, leading to restricted movement - a risk factor for back pain (Surg Radiol Anat 1999; 21:109-13). Another study used magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to examine the effect of backpacks on the intervertebral discs of the spine, the fluid-filled “pillows” between spinal bones. According the the article, backpacks alter the fluid content of these discs, a risk factor for disc herniation (“slipped” disc) and osteoarthritis (Spine 1999; 15;24:1015-22).

Proper Backpack Lifting Technique

Lifting technique is an essential, yet often-overlooked, aspect of backpack safety. Repeated improper lifting of a backpack - even a lightweight one - can wreak havoc on your child’s spine. Here’s the correct way to lift a pack:

1-Face the backpack before you lift it.

2-Bend at the knees.

3-Using both hands, check the weight of the pack.

4-Lift with your legs, not with your back.

5-Carefully slip on one shoulder strap at a time; never sling the pack onto one shoulder. (Courtesy of Backpack Safety America)

A Cure for the Backpack Blues

Fortunately, there is a solution to this childhood health-care crisis: chiropractic care. Chiropractors are experts in spinal biomechanics and backpack safety techniques. As prevention specialist, chiropractors work to educate the community about the proper use of backpacks. In addition, doctors of chiropractic offer spinal checkups for youngsters. These checkups include a through postural assessment, evaluation for vertebral subluxations, and specific recommendations for injury prevention If you’re a parent, don’t ignore this potential threat to your child’s health. Schedule a chiropractic evaluation for your youngster today. •

Watching Your Back,

Dr. Heather Giesen

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

A Note From Dr. Heather

Weight Loss

Without Hunger?

From: Dr. Heather Giesen, D.C.

July 29, 2010

Dear Patients and Friends,

Everyone wants to lose a little weight – but it sure stinks being hungry! Well, what if there was a way to lose weight… and be healthier… without being so darn hungry all the time?

Would that be something you would be interested in learning about? If you would, this might be your lucky day. Here is why…

Part of this month’s newsletter talks about “insulin resistance.” If you have not read the newsletter, please read the first story. It explains all about insulin resistance and how it affects your health. Basically, when you eat something, your body breaks it down and glucose (a sugar) is released into the bloodstream. Your pancreas secretes insulin so your cells absorb the glucose in the blood and use it for energy.

If you eat junk foods with a lot of simple sugar (soda, candy, etc.), you will have a tremendous amount of sugar in your bloodstream and your pancreas with have to work overtime. Too much sugar leads to your body becoming insulin resistant and, basically, your pancreas shuts down.

Exercise has been shown to help insulin resistance, but eating the right foods is just as important.

There is an index call the glycemic index or GI that is a ranking of carbohydrates (sugars) on a scale of 0-100 according to the extent they raise your blood sugar level after eating.

Foods with a high GI inject a lot of sugar into your bloodstream rapidly while low GI foods do the opposite. Low GI foods produce a gradual rise in blood sugar and insulin levels. This is a much more stabile source of energy and does not spike blood sugar giving you the highs and lows associated with high GI foods.

High GI foods end up giving you short-term energy that you lose quickly, making you feel hungry again. Low GI foods spread out the energy and you do not feel hungry nearly as soon.

That’s why eating foods with low GI values not only help you lose weight and improve your overall health… you don’t have to feel like you are starving!

How do you know the GI of the foods you are eating? One of the best ways I have found is to use this website:

You can read more about GI and if you want to know the GI of foods you are eating, simply click on “GI Database” on the left side of the website. Then, you can put in just about any food and you will get its GI value.

If you have any questions about this or weight loss in general, feel free to ask at your next appointment.

We have also found neck or back pain makes it very difficult for patients to achieve their weight loss goals. Exercise becomes difficult and many times, frustration sets in.

That is why it is important to get your spine checked and make sure you are pain free and functioning optimally to help achieve your weight loss goals.

Give us a call and set up an appointment today if you have any questions or would like a back or neck pain check-up. The number is 952-758-8760.


Dr. Heather Giesen, D.C.

In Good Hands
A Free Monthly Newsletter For The Friends and Patients of:


“We all have strength enough to endure the misfortunes of others.” - Francois de La Rochefoucauld

New Research: Cutting Carbs
Better Than Low-Fat?
  • Study shows this type of woman lost more weight after 3 months on low-carbohydrate diet than traditional low-fat diet with same number of calories.
  • Not all people have the same response to diets.
  • The hormone that may be responsible for your weight loss – or lack of weight loss.
  • Why ignoring this hormone (and eating the wrong foods) can lead to not only weight problems – but early death.
  • Single? First date dinner and a movie? NO WAY! Find out why this is the biggest mistake you can ever make!
  • Can DARK CHOCOLATE lower blood pressure? Find out what the results of 15 studies show.
  • Meet Ray and his candy store – the ultimate American dream!
New Prague – Eating fat is bad. No… wait… it’s carbohydrates that are evil. One expert says one thing and then, another Doctor says something else. Back and forth… back and forth. Maybe that new infomercial selling the latest miracle weight loss product is the way to go?
Who knows? In the meantime, you’re confused and not losing any weight. Well, get ready for some possible answers… and a few more questions…
First, The Results Of A New Study
The June 19th, 2010 edition of The Endocrine Society reports, “[According to a new study ,] Obese women with insulin resistance lose more weight after three months on a lower-carbohydrate diet than on a traditional low-fat diet with the same number of calories...” The study’s lead author, Raymond Plodkowski, MD, Chief of Endocrinology, Nutrition and Metabolism at the University of Nevada School of Medicine, Reno wrote, “The typical diet that physicians recommend for weight loss is a low-fat diet… However, as this study shows, not all people have the same response to diets.”
According to the researchers, for this group of women, the lower carbohydrate diet is more effective, at least in the short term. The study lasted 12 weeks and was funded by Jenny Craig. It found the insulin resistant women on the lowest-carb diet lost 3.4 pounds more than those on the low-fat diet. Total calories for all groups were the same. The low-fat diet included 60% of its calories from carbs, 20% from fat, and 20% from protein. The low-carb diet included 45% of its calories from carbs, 35% from primary unsaturated fats, and 20% from protein.
Both diets included a minimum of 2 fruits and 3 vegetable servings a day. The use of prepared meals made the structured diets easier and more palatable for the dieter. “These data have potential widespread applications for clinicians when counseling people with insulin resistance to help improve weight loss as part of a calorie-restricted diet,” Plodkowski said. “They should at least initially lower their carbohydrate intake.”
What Is Insulin Resistance?
Since the women in the above-mentioned study were all insulin resistant – you might be wondering, "what is insulin resistance?" Insulin resistance is a condition where the body produces insulin but does not use it properly. Insulin is a hormone made by the pancreas to break down glucose in the blood so it can be used for energy.
Glucose is a form of sugar and is the body’s #1 source of energy. After your digestive system breaks food down into glucose, glucose is then transported to different parts of your body via the bloodstream. Glucose in the blood stream is called “blood glucose” or “blood sugar.” After you eat, blood glucose levels rise and your pancreas secretes insulin to allow cells to absorb and use the glucose.
When people are insulin resistant, they do not respond properly to insulin. In other words, even though the pancreas secretes insulin, it is not effective in getting the glucose from the blood into the cells. More insulin is needed so the pancreas works harder and secretes more. Eventually, the pancreas cannot keep up with the increased demand and glucose builds up in the blood. This is the beginning of diabetes. It is common for diabetics to have high levels of both glucose and insulin circulating in the bloodstream. Insulin resistance not only sets the stage for developing Type 2 Diabetes, it increases the odds of the number one killer in America: heart disease.
According to the American Diabetes Association:
“People with diabetes have a higher-than-average risk of having a heart attack or stroke. These strike people with diabetes more than twice as often as people without diabetes.”
What Causes Insulin Resistance?
Very good question. There seem to be several contributing factors. The first factor may be genetic. Some scientists think specific genes make certain people more susceptible to insulin resistance. But, genes aren’t everything. Weight and lack of physical activity also seem to play a major role. Then, there are the types of food you eat… The more junk sugars (ice cream, candy bars, etc.) you eat, the more your little pancreas has to work to keep up with all the sugar that has been dumped into the bloodstream. Just like everything else, there is only so much work your pancreas can do. If the pace is too high for too long, it will basically burn out and quit. It is important to stop this process before it gets too far. Exercise, weight loss and proper diet can reverse many cases of insulin resistance and pre-diabetes.
According to the National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse, “The Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) and other large studies have shown that people with pre-diabetes can often prevent or delay diabetes if they lose a modest amount of weight by cutting fat and calorie intake and increasing physical activity; for example, walking 30 minutes a day 5 days a week. Losing just 5 to 7 percent of body weight prevents or delays diabetes by nearly 60 percent. In the DPP, people aged 60 or older who made lifestyle changes lowered their chances of developing diabetes by 70 percent."
With all of this information, the most important message to take away is this: Lifestyle has a major impact on your health. Different people react to different foods and diets in different ways, and it is important to pay attention to what you eat and figure out what is best for you. But no matter what, regular exercise and staying away from junk food loaded with bad fats and sugar is a very good idea. Research may not have all the answers yet, but to our knowledge, there is no study that says sitting on the couch stuffing your face with candy bars and ice cream is good for your health.
World’s Oldest Person
Alive At 130?
Do you take good enough care of your body
for it to last that long?

“If I knew I was going to live this long, I would’ve taken better care of myself.” Those words by Eubie Blake couldn’t possibly have any more meaning than they do for Antisa Khvichava. Authorities from the former Soviet Republic of Georgia claim this remote villager recently turned 130, making her the oldest person on earth. She retired from picking tea and corn in 1965, when she was 85. She said she has always been healthy and worked her whole life. It is difficult to verify her age due to wars and the collapse of the Russian empire, but she has two soviet-era documents that attest to her age. For all accounts, her mind is as sharp as ever, but her body has all but quit on her. Her fingers are so deformed she can no longer knit, and she struggles to walk. But, she refuses any help to get around when she has to. While her mind-set and determination are admirable – but also realize how important it is to take care of the one body you are given. You never know how long you will need it. One has to wonder if she ate low-carbs or low-fat?

And don’t forget, if you ever have any questions or concerns about your health talk to us. Contact us with your questions. We’re here to help and don’t enjoy anything more than participating in your lifelong good health.
Inspirational Story Of The Month –
(Names And Details Have Been Changed To Protect Privacy)

The Ultimate American Dream

The Incredible True Story About Ray, His Candy Store,
And Community Kindness That Makes America Great!

It was 36 years ago. That’s when Ray immigrated to the United States… he had $10 in his pocket, a tremendous work ethic and a desire for the American Dream.
Ray worked hard for years. Then, he worked some more. Instead of going into debt, Ray saved his money. When he had amassed $30,000, he bought a candy store. Ray didn’t slow down. He continued to work hard, and built a wonderful little family business in the East Village of New York City. Everyone knew his candy store. It wasn’t just a store, it was part of the neighborhood – part of the East Village family.
That’s what 36 years of working hard and doing the right thing for your customers and neighbors will create. But, times changed. The United States entered its biggest recession/depression since the Great Depression.
Ray’s profits dwindled… and dwindled.
He cut back and tried to make ends meet. Before he knew it, he could not pay his monthly rent. Things were getting worse and worse, and he thought he was going to have to…
Close His Doors For Good!
Ray had come to America with $10 and a dream and he lived that dream for 36 years. Now, it was all going to end in the blink of an eye.
When word got out that Ray and his store were in deep trouble, the neighborhood who loved him responded. It began when a customer asked Ray this strange question…
“Did you pay your rent?”
“No, I’m a little short.”
The man, without hesitation, reached into his pocket and handed Ray $200. Then he said, “Go pay your rent.”
That was just the beginning. Soon after that, two students, Arianna Gil and Emily Allan, decided they were going to make a difference in not only Ray’s life, but the world.
Arianna and Emily decided they were going to work for Ray. They were going to work around the store and do deliveries…
That’s right. While all their friends were out having fun on a Saturday night, they were on their bikes or skateboards making deliveries for Ray, simply out of the kindness of their hearts.
Their pay was seeing Ray keep his store and the life he had worked so hard for.
Arianna and Emily took it a step further… They went on Facebook and Twitter and got other kids to volunteer.
Then, other people in the neighborhood held a fundraiser and raised $3,000 for Ray.
At this time, Ray is still in business – although he is facing a $25,000 bill for a new ventilation system demanded by the New York City environmental police. A betting man would lay odds on Ray and the people who love him doing whatever it takes to get that bill paid.
But no matter what, Ray’s story shows what’s really special about America… How people can come together, work hard and live out their dreams.
America is truly the land of opportunity. You just have to put in the time and effort to get it done.
Ray’s Candy store is located at 113 Ave A, New York, NY 10009, and the phone number is (212) 505-7609. Just in case you are in the mood for something sweet!

We love helping our patients and their friends and relatives through their tough times and getting them feeling better! We are here to help you stay feeling better and looking younger! Don’t be a stranger. Call us and we will assist you in putting together a customized maintenance plan. It’s not a luxury anymore! With our low monthly payment plan, it’s less expensive to maintain your good health! You really can afford Chiropractic care! Don’t wait until you can no longer move!

Tip Of The Month

Going On A Date? The Biggest Mistake Most People Make On The First Date

Going on a date can be nerve racking. Everyone knows you only get one chance to make a great first impression. Not only that, many people in the dating world say they know if things have a possibility to move forward into a relationship… Within The First Few Minutes Of The Date!!! You’ve probably heard this. “I’m looking for that spark, fireworks, butterflies in my stomach, chemistry, and I know instantly when it’s there.” Clearly, many people these days are looking for things that don’t exist. They see an internet dating commercial where two people describe a fairytale encounter and think that’s what they should have too. Problem is – that’s a commercial. Know this: Fairytales are make-believe. Expecting to go on an internet site (or anywhere else) and find your “perfect match” or Prince Charming that is going to sweep you off your feet and solve all your worldly problems is simply not living in the real world. It is also setting you up for a lifetime of bitter disappointment. Many people like to say, “I will not settle.” But the real question is, won’t settle for what? Bottom line is: everyone is human. Everyone has flaws, including the “perfect” person who “won’t settle.” We all must settle in our lives in certain ways. We all must do things we do not want to do. That also goes for building and maintaining a quality relationship – whether it be friendship or romance. Realizing everyone is human, has flaws, and is probably nervous – no matter how “cool” they seem is the first step in dating success and relationship building. Giving someone 3 minutes to impress you before you open or close your mind is unrealistic. Since perception is reality, it is always in your best interest to make the best first impression you can. A lot of that first impression has to do with where you go and what you do on your first date. Here is rule #1 about the first date and first impressions in general: Don’t do what others do. Here’s why: We all have a past. That past makes up how we perceive things in the present. We cannot escape our psychology. For example, if a woman or man has been on several bad first dates that all consisted of a dinner and a movie, would it make sense to do the same? Of course not. Doing something you have already had bad experiences with will only remind you of those bad experiences. It makes this first date just like all the other miserable ones right from the beginning. It instantly brings out the “Here we go again” reaction. Instead, the secret is: DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT! Even if you have no clue what to do – doing just about anything new will give you better odds of success than not doing what has already failed many, many times. What’s that? You want some examples? That’s what everyone always wants – they want to be told the perfect first date. In reality, there is no cookie-cutter first date. Why not? Because… it all depends on YOU. What kind of personality do you have? What things do you like to do? Your first date should expose your date to at least some of these things. Your date should see how wonderful your personality is and the fun things you like to do with your life. That is, if you have a great personality and do fun things! Think about how you meet new friends and grow those relationships. Do you talk on the phone once or twice and then put yourselves in and awkward position like dinner and a movie? No! You usually meet doing common interest activities and grow the relationship from there. Why is “dating” any different? Having realistic expectations, giving someone a chance and not doing the typical “dating thing” really can produce dramatic results.

On A Side Note

Dark Chocolate Lowers Blood Pressure?

If you love chocolate, you don’t need a reason to eat it. On the contrary – you need a pretty darn good reason not to! For years, chocolate was considered a delightful sin… a little guilty pleasure.
Well, the results of 15 studies may change all that. Here is why… According to a recent press release, “For people with hypertension, eating dark chocolate can significantly reduce blood pressure. Researchers writing in the open access journal BMC Medicine combined the results of 15 studies into the effects of flavanols, the compounds in chocolate which cause dilation of blood vessels, on blood pressure.”
According to the press release, the reduction seen for people with hypertension is comparable to the known effects of 30 minutes of daily exercise and might theoretically reduce the risk of a cardiovascular event by around 20%.

Welcome New Patients!

Here are the new patients that became members of our practice family this last month! We'd like to welcome you publicly, and wish you all the best!

Fritz L. (Referred in by Jenny G! Thanks Again!)

Clair K. (Referred in by John and Camille K! Thanks!)

Thomas T. Welcome!!

Kurt R. Welcome!!

Neal E. Welcome!!

Becky N. (Referred by Joe and Mary G! Thanks!)