Monday, July 25, 2011

“One Down… the Rest of Your LIFE to Go!”

How many healthy meals does it take to lose 20 lbs? Or how many miles on the treadmill does it take to shed 5 inches? It obviously takes more than just one, and you've got to stick with it to maintain the results. Well, the same goes for your Chiropractic care.
It takes more than one adjustment to change your state of health. It's true the body has a greater potential to improve even after just one adjustment. But like eating well and exercising, you achieve lasting results only with repetition and consistency.

So how long should you stick with your new diet regimen, exercise routine or spinal maintenance plan? The answer is, as long as you want to be healthy… and hopefully that's for the rest of your Life. In the world of fitness, healthy eating and Chiropractic, there's no such thing as 'one and done.' You've got to stick with it to reap the rewards.

'Watching Your Back'

Dr. Heather L Giesen

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Monday, July 11, 2011

“Wringing Out the Stress of LIFE.”

Your Nerve System is the ultimate sponge, soaking up all the experiences, sensations and stresses you encounter every day. Like a sponge, it can only absorb so much before it becomes over-saturated and spills stress into your body. The result… PAIN, SICKNESS and WEAK PERFORMANCE!

The best thing you can do to prevent Nerve System Over-Saturation is to get checked by your Chiropractor regularly and adjusted when necessary. Adjustments gently “wring out” accumulated tension in your Nerve System before it has a chance to build up and affect your health negatively.

If you're feeling super-soaked from the stress of Life, bring your saturated nerves to the Chiropractor for some TLC. You'll experience more energy, improved sleep and a better overall feeling of wellness if you do.

'Watching Your Back'

Dr. Heather Giesen