Monday, February 27, 2012

“Could You Save a LIFE?”

What does it take to save a Life? Do you need to pull a helpless swimmer from the ocean or perform CPR on a drowning victim to qualify? Or can something as simple as sharing your Chiropractic story with others count too?

If your story helps someone find a solution for their debilitating migraines… you just saved a Life. If your story empowers a family member to reduce their prescriptions, and lower their risk of becoming another 'drug error' statistic… you just saved a Life. If your story encourages a friend to stop blindly placing their health in the hands of doctors, and start placing the Doctor inside them in charge of their health… then you just saved a Life.

Do you have the power and capability to save a Life? If you know the Chiropractic story, you bet you do! The question is will you? You can't be a Chiropractic Life saver if you don't spread the word. So please, don't keep your story a secret. Tell others how your Life has improved because of Chiropractic care. You could save someone's Life when you do.

'Watching Your Back'

Dr. Heather Giesen

Monday, February 20, 2012

“When You’re Feeling Dim…”

Ever have one of those days where you just don't feel as bright as you should? Your diet's good, you're getting enough exercise but for some reason you still feel drained and unproductive. Maybe it's time for a trip to the Chiropractor…

Think of your Nerve System as electrical wires and your body a 100 watt light bulb connected to it. When the wires are clear and electricity flows freely, your bulb glows to 100 watts. But if power is restricted in the wires, your bulb dims. Chiropractors call it being Subluxated or in a 'state of less light/less energy.' And the only thing that can 'light you up' again is a specific, loving Chiropractic Adjustment.

Eating properly and getting enough exercise is important, but you'll never shine to your full potential if you're Subluxated… and you can't afford that. The world needs you beaming at 100 watts. So don't wait until your light's completely out. Get adjusted and shine bright with regular Chiropractic care!

'Watching Your Back'

Dr. Heather Giesen

Monday, February 13, 2012

“Remember to Check Your Eggs”

How many times have you had a minor fender-bender, or a slip on the ice and never gave it a second thought? Maybe your ego was bruised, but you didn't notice any outward signs of injury. What happened to you on the inside could be a different story.

After a trauma, things may appear fine on the outside, but it doesn't mean they're OK on the inside. That's why we open egg cartons and check the contents for hidden damage before we buy them. The same goes for your spine after any jolt. What may seem like a minor bump from the outside, could actually create SUBLUXATIONS on the inside. (Misaligned vertebrae that interfere with nerve function, and silently diminish health)

The solution? Get your spine checked for SUBLUXATIONS after any trauma, no matter how big or small. If your kid takes a tumble down the stairs – get them checked. If your spouse backs the car into a fence post – get them checked. If you tripped over the dog on the way to the refrigerator last night – get yourself checked too. Life's tough enough without having to live it SUBLUXATED.

'Watching Your Back'

Dr. Heather Giesen