Monday, July 30, 2012

“Repetition Restores…”

If your hand was taped in one position for years, and someone cut the tape off and tried to move it, what do you think would happen? Your hand would snap back to the position it was stuck in for all that time. But with repetition - normal movement and alignment can be restored. The same goes for your spine.

When vertebrae are misaligned and stuck chronically over time (subluxated), supporting muscles and ligaments tend to 'hold' them in that position. The first time a Chiropractor tries to adjust it, just like the taped hand, the vertebrae may shift back to the old position it was stuck in. That's why 'one and done' rarely works in Chiropractic. It takes repetition to change.

Frequency and repetition are necessary components of any successful Chiropractic care plan. The more consistent you are with your adjustments, the better the results. For Chiropractors, the definition of sanity is doing the right thing over and over again until health is restored.

'Watching Your Back'

Dr. Heather Giesen

Monday, July 23, 2012

“The Dow Jones of Healing…”

Healing is like the stock market. It never progresses in a straight line. You've got to expect some ups and downs along the way.

You might experience a surge of relief when you first start your Chiropractic care only to be followed by a setback. Soon you're back on track, seeing huge improvments. Progress continues with bouts of highs and lows, and you may even experience a plateau or dip in your improvements. But don't make the mistake of 'pulling out of the market' early.

Keep the big picture in mind. Like stocks, the gains in Chiropractic care are best seen over time. When you look back and see how far you've come since your first visit, you'll realize the LIFE dividends are paying off.

'Watching Your Back'

Dr. Heather Giesen

Monday, July 16, 2012

“Real Doctor in the Rearview…”

The specialists say you have allergies, asthma, sleep apnea, depression, chronic fatigue, GERD and fibromyalgia. They say you'll be on a dozen different medications for the rest of your life. But what does the doctor looking back at you in the mirror say?

The doctor in the mirror says you have an innate wisdom inside, capable of RE-CREATING a healthier version you. A 'you' without allergies, asthma, sleep apnea, depression, chronic fatigue, GERD or fibromyalgia. That doctor is just waiting for you to remove the roadblock.

Health is your birthright. Health is your natural state. Health is what you experience when you have a clear nerve system. Don't be imprisoned by the whitecoat's diagnosis, it's merely a temporary state. Find a Chiropractor who works with the doctor inside you and you'll leave sickness and dis-ease behind in the dust.

'Watching Your Back'

Dr. Heather Giesen

Monday, July 9, 2012

“The Domino Effect of LIFE…”

The domino effect describes a chain reaction that occurs when a small event triggers a reaction nearby, setting off another reaction, then another, until it produces an ultimate result. Getting your health back with Chiropractic care happens in a similar way.

Chiropractors start the process with a small event called an Adjustment. Spinal adjustments restore Ease in your nerve system which promotes Healing. Over Time your body literally Recreates itself… replacing sick, damaged cells and tissues with stronger, healthier ones. You experience improvements in the way your body Performs like stronger immunity, deeper sleep, greater physical energy and a confident sense of well being. The end result is more expression of LIFE.

The ultimate goal of Chiropractic is to help you experience the abundance of LIFE inside you – so you can fulfill your purpose and bring more joy to those around you. Staying 'lined up' with regular Chiropractic care is one of the best gifts you can give yourself and those you love the most.

'Watching Your Back'

Dr. Heather Giesen

Monday, July 2, 2012

“Get the Bowling Ball Off…”

Question: If you drop your favorite bowling ball on your foot, what’s the first thing you need to do to start the healing? Answer: Get the bowling ball off your foot! Sounds simple, but it’s true. Your foot CAN'T heal until the offending pressure is removed first. The same principle applies to your Chiropractic care.

A misaligned vertebrae (Subluxation) acts like a bowling ball on a nerve – creating compression, pain and inflammation. Healing starts only when the offending pressure can be removed and kept off the nerve with sequential adjustments. But don't expect instant relief. Removing the pressure is simply the first step in a timely process.

If you don’t feel great immediately after an adjustment, don’t be discouraged. With a clear Nerve System and time, damaged tissues can heal and you’ll feel like new again. For now, be confident the healing process has at least started because the bowling ball has been removed.

'Watching Your Back'

Dr. Heather Giesen