Monday, August 27, 2012

“Never Lost with Chiropractic”

Ever drive lost for miles and miles before stopping for directions? Before the advent of GPS, that was pretty common. When you finally discovered how off course you were, you most likely had to re-trace the roads you were on to get back on track.

Getting lost with your health is similar. If you've 'traveled' the wrong way for miles and miles with your health – popping pills to mask your pain or searching endlessly for the right pillow – when you finally stop at a Chiropractor's office to get good directions, you might have to retrace those lost miles with intensive care to get back on track. But the good news is, you won't be lost any longer.

Once you get pointed in the right direction, Chiropractic care is the GPS that keeps you on course. Get checked regularly, take adjustments when necessary and stay on the right road - we'll help you reach your destination.

'Watching Your Back'
Dr. Heather Giesen

Monday, August 20, 2012

“Healing on a Spare Donut…”

In case you get a flat, the temporary "donut" in your trunk is meant to get you off the road and to the nearest service station for proper repair ASAP. Manufacturer's instructions warn you to take it slow and easy when driving on them - those tiny tires aren't designed to withstand the load of normal driving. But regardless of that warning, you've probably seen some idiot speeding down the highway on one, oblivious to the potential risks.

Some people treat their health that way. When they get an injury or a health problem they mask their symptoms with 'spare tire' medication, all the while continuing the activities that got them there in the first place. They pay little attention to the risks of temporarily patching their problem with drugs and pass on fixing the CAUSE of their problem. That can get you into trouble.

When it comes to acute or chronic health problems, the best policy is to fix the underlying cause of the problem the right way instead of masking the symptoms with medication. That's the core philosophy of drugless Chiropractic care. In the short term drugs may bring you false comfort, but in the long run you're risking a serious blow out.

'Watching Your Back'
Dr. Heather Giesen

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

It's A Boy!!!!!!

Rhys Neal Giesen

Born at home 8-14-12

9:10 AM

7 lbs 10 oz

19 3/4 inches long

Monday, August 13, 2012

“101 Ways to Get Subluxated”

#27 – Dropping 420 lbs on your head at the Olympics. Can you imagine gold medalist weight lifter Matthias Steiner's next Chiropractic visit… 'hey doc, my neck’s sore and I’ve been getting these bad headaches. Think it could be my pillow?”

The father of Chiropractic, D.D. Palmer recognized 3 ‘T’s as being the major cause of nerve interference (aka Subluxation): Trauma, Toxins and Thoughts. The first 'T' is pretty obvious, but many patients overlook the last two. TOXINS come in the form of pesticides, artificial additives in our food, cigarette smoke and the most common of all, pharmaceuticals (yes, drugs are foreign to the body and put added stress on your nerve system). Constant THOUGHTS of fear, worry and depression can also weaken your sensitive nerve system and make it harder to heal.

Many patients believe it’s only physical things like car accidents, bad pillows and the occasional ‘400 lbs barbell on the head’ that can cause nerve interference, when in reality it’s the daily bombardment of hidden food toxins and stressful thoughts that commonly do the most damage.

'Watching Your Back'

Dr. Heather Gisesn

Monday, August 6, 2012

“Once You Start Eating Broccoli”

… do you have to eat it for the rest of your Life? The answer is obviously no, unless your parents still have an iron grip on your diet. No one can force you to do something that's good for your health and your Life if you don't want to.

If you don't want to renew that gym membership, go to yoga classes or reduce your stress with meditation, that's up to you. Don't feel like watching your sugar intake or taking your vitamins, the choice is yours to reap the benefits or face the consequences. And the same goes for your Chiropractic care. 

That rumor that says 'once you start Chiropractic care, you have to keep going for the rest of your life' is a big fallacy. Although it's true, many clients who start Chiropractic CHOOSE to continue with maintenance care because they appreciate the truckload of Life benefits that goes with having a strong spine and clear Nerve System… no one is forcing them to do so. They do it because it simply makes sense - just like eating their broccoli.

'Watching Your Back'

Dr. Heather Giesen