Monday, October 31, 2011

“Patience: Healing Zone Ahead”

Construction zones are hectic. Traffic congestion, safety cones guarding hazardous areas and heavy equipment buzzing everywhere. It’s amazing anything gets done amid the chaos. But underneath that chaos is organization: A team of skilled engineers and contractors carefully working the plan until it reaches completion. It's similar when you heal under Chiropractic care.

Like a construction zone, organic healing with Chiropractic can appear disorganized and chaotic at times. You might see an improvement in unrelated aspects of your health before your chief complaints begins to respond. But like the construction zone, behind the scene is a sophisticated innate wisdom inside you, moving the process forward with a mastery beyond comprehension.

Sometimes care feels like 'stop and go traffic.' But be patient. Amid the chaos, healing is happening – with precision and patience, the job is getting done. You’ve got the right plan (Chiropractic Care) and the best engineer (Innate Intelligence) working for you.

'Watching Your Back"
Dr. Heather Gesen

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