"I love witnessing miracles everyday of the body healing itself once the interference has been removed from the body" -Dr. Heather L. Giesen
Monday, October 8, 2012
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Dr. Heather Will Be Back...
Dr. Heather will be in the office on Friday, September 28th from 9-11 am and will resume normal office hours on Monday, October 1st.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
“Back to the Basics…”
“God breathed into man the breath of life—we add—and left within, a body manager to regulate body functions including reproduction of cells. There is a power within you—you recognize it in others as the ability to move-see-hear-speak breathe. What is this power? Who can answer? We call that power INNATE INTELLIGENCE. You look around you and recognize there is a power that governs and controls the universe and all things in it. You may call it NATURE or you may say it is AN ACT OF GOD. But whatever you choose to call it, you do recognize a FORCE.
“Within YOU is a ‘grain’ of the universal power. If there were not, you would cease to move, see, hear, breathe, feel—exist as a HUMAN INTELLIGENT BEING. As long as that power within you has control of your body a state of HEALTH exists. Should something interfere with normal control of that internal power—then you cease to enjoy your birthright—HEALTH—instead a state of dis-ease becomes prominent.
“Healing is a process afforded you by your Creator and is above and beyond the control of man. Your Chiropractor does everything possible to help Innate heal—but he cannot heal nor can anyone else produce healing for you. When the right adjustment is made, Innate goes to work. You feel the results when dis-ease turns to ease.” – BJ Palmer
'Watching Your Back'
Dr. Heather Giesen
Monday, August 27, 2012
“Never Lost with Chiropractic”
Ever drive lost for miles and miles before stopping for directions? Before the advent of GPS, that was pretty common. When you finally discovered how off course you were, you most likely had to re-trace the roads you were on to get back on track.
Getting lost with your health is similar. If you've 'traveled' the wrong way for miles and miles with your health – popping pills to mask your pain or searching endlessly for the right pillow – when you finally stop at a Chiropractor's office to get good directions, you might have to retrace those lost miles with intensive care to get back on track. But the good news is, you won't be lost any longer.
Once you get pointed in the right direction, Chiropractic care is the GPS that keeps you on course. Get checked regularly, take adjustments when necessary and stay on the right road - we'll help you reach your destination.
'Watching Your Back'
Dr. Heather Giesen
Monday, August 20, 2012
“Healing on a Spare Donut…”
In case you get a flat, the temporary "donut" in your trunk is meant to get you off the road and to the nearest service station for proper repair ASAP. Manufacturer's instructions warn you to take it slow and easy when driving on them - those tiny tires aren't designed to withstand the load of normal driving. But regardless of that warning, you've probably seen some idiot speeding down the highway on one, oblivious to the potential risks.
Some people treat their health that way. When they get an injury or a health problem they mask their symptoms with 'spare tire' medication, all the while continuing the activities that got them there in the first place. They pay little attention to the risks of temporarily patching their problem with drugs and pass on fixing the CAUSE of their problem. That can get you into trouble.
When it comes to acute or chronic health problems, the best policy is to fix the underlying cause of the problem the right way instead of masking the symptoms with medication. That's the core philosophy of drugless Chiropractic care. In the short term drugs may bring you false comfort, but in the long run you're risking a serious blow out.
'Watching Your Back'
Dr. Heather Giesen
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Monday, August 13, 2012
“101 Ways to Get Subluxated”
#27 – Dropping 420 lbs on your head at the Olympics. Can you imagine gold medalist weight lifter Matthias Steiner's next Chiropractic visit… 'hey doc, my neck’s sore and I’ve been getting these bad headaches. Think it could be my pillow?”
The father of Chiropractic, D.D. Palmer recognized 3 ‘T’s as being the major cause of nerve interference (aka Subluxation): Trauma, Toxins and Thoughts. The first 'T' is pretty obvious, but many patients overlook the last two. TOXINS come in the form of pesticides, artificial additives in our food, cigarette smoke and the most common of all, pharmaceuticals (yes, drugs are foreign to the body and put added stress on your nerve system). Constant THOUGHTS of fear, worry and depression can also weaken your sensitive nerve system and make it harder to heal.
Many patients believe it’s only physical things like car accidents, bad pillows and the occasional ‘400 lbs barbell on the head’ that can cause nerve interference, when in reality it’s the daily bombardment of hidden food toxins and stressful thoughts that commonly do the most damage.
'Watching Your Back'
Dr. Heather Gisesn
Monday, August 6, 2012
“Once You Start Eating Broccoli”
… do you have to eat it for the rest of your Life? The answer is obviously no, unless your parents still have an iron grip on your diet. No one can force you to do something that's good for your health and your Life if you don't want to.
If you don't want to renew that gym membership, go to yoga classes or reduce your stress with meditation, that's up to you. Don't feel like watching your sugar intake or taking your vitamins, the choice is yours to reap the benefits or face the consequences. And the same goes for your Chiropractic care.
'Watching Your Back'
Dr. Heather Giesen
Monday, July 30, 2012
“Repetition Restores…”
If your hand was taped in one position for years, and someone cut the tape off and tried to move it, what do you think would happen? Your hand would snap back to the position it was stuck in for all that time. But with repetition - normal movement and alignment can be restored. The same goes for your spine.
When vertebrae are misaligned and stuck chronically over time (subluxated), supporting muscles and ligaments tend to 'hold' them in that position. The first time a Chiropractor tries to adjust it, just like the taped hand, the vertebrae may shift back to the old position it was stuck in. That's why 'one and done' rarely works in Chiropractic. It takes repetition to change.
Frequency and repetition are necessary components of any successful Chiropractic care plan. The more consistent you are with your adjustments, the better the results. For Chiropractors, the definition of sanity is doing the right thing over and over again until health is restored.
'Watching Your Back'
Dr. Heather Giesen
Monday, July 23, 2012
“The Dow Jones of Healing…”
Healing is like the stock market. It never progresses in a straight line. You've got to expect some ups and downs along the way.
You might experience a surge of relief when you first start your Chiropractic care only to be followed by a setback. Soon you're back on track, seeing huge improvments. Progress continues with bouts of highs and lows, and you may even experience a plateau or dip in your improvements. But don't make the mistake of 'pulling out of the market' early.
Keep the big picture in mind. Like stocks, the gains in Chiropractic care are best seen over time. When you look back and see how far you've come since your first visit, you'll realize the LIFE dividends are paying off.
'Watching Your Back'
Dr. Heather Giesen
Monday, July 16, 2012
“Real Doctor in the Rearview…”
The specialists say you have allergies, asthma, sleep apnea, depression, chronic fatigue, GERD and fibromyalgia. They say you'll be on a dozen different medications for the rest of your life. But what does the doctor looking back at you in the mirror say?
The doctor in the mirror says you have an innate wisdom inside, capable of RE-CREATING a healthier version you. A 'you' without allergies, asthma, sleep apnea, depression, chronic fatigue, GERD or fibromyalgia. That doctor is just waiting for you to remove the roadblock.
Health is your birthright. Health is your natural state. Health is what you experience when you have a clear nerve system. Don't be imprisoned by the whitecoat's diagnosis, it's merely a temporary state. Find a Chiropractor who works with the doctor inside you and you'll leave sickness and dis-ease behind in the dust.
'Watching Your Back'
Dr. Heather Giesen
Monday, July 9, 2012
“The Domino Effect of LIFE…”
The domino effect describes a chain reaction that occurs when a small event triggers a reaction nearby, setting off another reaction, then another, until it produces an ultimate result. Getting your health back with Chiropractic care happens in a similar way.
Chiropractors start the process with a small event called an Adjustment. Spinal adjustments restore Ease in your nerve system which promotes Healing. Over Time your body literally Recreates itself… replacing sick, damaged cells and tissues with stronger, healthier ones. You experience improvements in the way your body Performs like stronger immunity, deeper sleep, greater physical energy and a confident sense of well being. The end result is more expression of LIFE.
The ultimate goal of Chiropractic is to help you experience the abundance of LIFE inside you – so you can fulfill your purpose and bring more joy to those around you. Staying 'lined up' with regular Chiropractic care is one of the best gifts you can give yourself and those you love the most.
'Watching Your Back'
Dr. Heather Giesen
Monday, July 2, 2012
“Get the Bowling Ball Off…”
Question: If you drop your favorite bowling ball on your foot, what’s the first thing you need to do to start the healing? Answer: Get the bowling ball off your foot! Sounds simple, but it’s true. Your foot CAN'T heal until the offending pressure is removed first. The same principle applies to your Chiropractic care.
A misaligned vertebrae (Subluxation) acts like a bowling ball on a nerve – creating compression, pain and inflammation. Healing starts only when the offending pressure can be removed and kept off the nerve with sequential adjustments. But don't expect instant relief. Removing the pressure is simply the first step in a timely process.
If you don’t feel great immediately after an adjustment, don’t be discouraged. With a clear Nerve System and time, damaged tissues can heal and you’ll feel like new again. For now, be confident the healing process has at least started because the bowling ball has been removed.
'Watching Your Back'
Dr. Heather Giesen
Monday, June 18, 2012
“Why Adjustments Don’t…”
If you were the unfortunate recipient of a nasty cut, you know what it's like to get stitches. With a little local anesthetic and some skilled suturing, your cut looks much cleaner. After a few days when the stitches come out, you barely notice there was even a wound. So did the stitches do the healing?
Stitches and Chiropractic Adjustments have one thing in common… they can't heal you. Sure, both may be necessary after an injury. But both can only create a cleaner environment for the healing to take place. Stitches align skin to seal a wound, adjustments align vertebrae to ease nerve pressure – but it's the healing power of Life inside you that completes the job.
The next time you come in for an adjustment to instantly fix your headache, your sciatica or your sleeping problems, understand it isn't the adjustment that produces the result. It simply creates an environment more conducive for healing. The doctor inside you is the one who deserves credit for the work.
'Watching Your Back'
Dr. Heather L Giesen
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
New Patient Special
Just a reminder, of our current New Patient Special. From now until June 22, any patient new to our office will receive a:
- Consultation
- Exam
- Computerized Nerve Scan
- Any Necessary X-Rays
- Complete Report of Findings
All for just $37!!! (Normally $195)
Don't wait to long, spots are filling up fast!
Monday, June 11, 2012
“Healing with the Brakes on…”
Ever feel like you're spinning your wheels when it comes to staying healthy? You eat right, exercise five days a week and try to get enough sleep – you've got the 'pedal to the metal' when it comes to staying fit, but something's holding you back. Maybe it's time to pay more attention to your Nerve System.
Although you've got one foot on the gas, Subluxations can put the brakes on your progress. Subluxations are troublesome misalignments in your spine that irritate your Nerve System and rob you of potential health energy. The effect is like trying to drive with your brakes on. You've got your fitness throttle wide open, but you're going nowhere fast.
If you want to stop spinning your wheels when it comes to your health, prioritize your spinal care. When it comes to unleashing more health horse power, nothing releases the brake like Chiropractic can.
'Watching Your Back'
Dr. Heather Giesen
Monday, June 4, 2012
“Order in Your Court…”
There's an honorable judge seated at the bench of your existence – watching, listening and ruling on every aspect of your health and performance with one purpose in mind… to maintain order. How far reaching is it's influence in the court of your Life?
It presided over your prenatal growth from one cell to 100 trillion in your first nine months. It ruled over your milestone development as an infant, your maturation throughout adolescence, and as an adult it continues to strike balance between the scales of breakdown and repair as you to heal and re-create yourself every single day.
No doctor can match its wisdom, no pill can sway its resolve. When it comes to your health and ability to reach your peak potential, there's only one judge capable of keeping your body in order… the innate intelligence that built it in the first place. Trust it.
'Watching Your Back'
Dr. Heather Giesen
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
“Paint’s Not Dry Yet…”
You're a few weeks into your Chiropractic care and you're starting to feel better. You want to get back to your routine as soon as possible. There's a ton to do around the house, you've got a family to take care of and you can't wait to get back to the gym. You have an urgency to start 'living' again. Problem is… the paint's not quite dry yet.
It's not uncommon to feel 'done' after a few adjustments. When the innate recuperative abilities of your body kick in, you might look and feel remarkably new – like a fresh coat of paint. But like a fresh coat of paint, looks can be deceiving. What seems completely dry (healed) on the surface may still have a few tacky areas underneath. If you jump the gun and try to re-hang the fixtures, you might ruin the finish and need to start all over again.
Complete and thorough healing requires time. Even though you may feel like your old self after a few Chiropractic sessions, it's no green light to go back to your old activities. The stabilizing phase of care (where you feel so good you wonder why you're still coming in) is where all the 'paint curing' happens. Give your body the time it needs to completely dry and you'll be happier with the end results.
'Watching Your Back'
Dr. Heather Giesen
Monday, May 21, 2012
It’s All About Time
The Sixth Principle in Chiropractic states there is no process which does not require time, including the healing process. BJ Palmer (the developer of Chiropractic) believed that with time and clarity in the nerve system, the body could heal itself in just about any situation.
A sick cell is replaced by a healthy one – healthy cells become healthy tissues – healthy tissues become healthy organs – healthy organs make a healthy human being. The conversion from sickness to wellness is an innate process that can only be performed by the doctor within you, via a well toned nerve system.
Healing is therefore a process of RE-creating yourself, one cell at a time, over a period of time. The power that made your body is more than capable of converting you from sickness to wellness. All it needs is a clear pathway and enough sand in the hour glass to accomplish it.
'Watching Your Back'
Dr. Heather Giesen
Monday, May 14, 2012
“Smell Something Burning?”
A family physician tells his patient "there are 3 stages of pain. The first stage, the pain is bad enough to catch your attention. The second stage it takes hold of you, and at the third stage it finally compels you to do something about it." The patient asks his doctor, "when it gets to stage three what should I do?" Without a blink, the doctor turns to him and says "take some Motrin…" (True and sad story)
The worst part is the patient actually thought it was good advice. When he relays the story to his Chiropractor, the Chiropractor responds "if your smoke detector went off in your home, the 1st time it would probably catch your attention… the 2nd time it would most likely take hold of you. But if it went off a 3rd time and you were finally compelled to do something, would you take the batteries out so you wouldn't have to hear it anymore? "Of course not," the patient replied "that would be stupid…" The patient got the point.
The moral of the story… Symptoms are your body's attempt to save itself. Masking your symptoms (whether it be pain, nausea, diarrhea or fever) with drugs doesn't fix the problem, it can actually make the situation worse. It's smarter to get to the CAUSE of the problem and deal with it the RIGHT way. That's why they call Chiropractors DC's because they are Doctors of finding the Cause!
'Watching Your Back'
Dr. Heather Giesen
Dr. Heather Giesen
Monday, May 7, 2012
“Chiropractic Colored Glasses”
What does the world look like through Chiropractic colored glasses? Does your health shine brighter… are your relationships with friends and family more in focus… is your job performance sharper and crisper?
You 'see' everything through your nerve system – how you feel, how you interact with the people around you, how you perform at home or at work. When your nerves are stressed, the line between barely existing and fully living is blurred. However, the more clear your nerve system, the better your ability to interact physically, mentally and spiritually with the world around you; and ultimately the better your quality of Life.
When a Chiropractor adjusts the stress from your nerve system, it's like cleaning the dirt, streaks and smudges from the lens through which you interpret your world – and with a clear lens you can see all your potential. Life is vibrant when you're viewing it through Chiropractic glasses.
'Watching Your Back'
Dr. Heather Giesen
Monday, April 30, 2012
“The Perfect Stress Reboot”
Have you ever had to restart your PC after the hard drive froze? You hit 'Control+Alt+Delete' to reboot the operating system and get everything running smoothly again. Your human computer (Nerve System) needs a periodic rebooting too.
Your Nerve System gets overwhelmed from daily stress. An urgent work deadline, unexpected family crisis or any inconvenient change in your routine are unsolicited stresses (spyware or a virus) that bog down your nerves. The result – your body slows down, runs sluggish and eventually "freezes up" with an illness. Getting a Chiropractic adjustment is like hitting the Control+Alt+Delete buttons. It clears your Nerve System of unwanted stress and gets you running fast again.
The stress our grandparents experienced in a week, today we get in just 24 hours! If you're not purging the tension from your Nerve System on a regular basis, your hard drive could crash. Get 'rebooted' routinely with Chiropractic care and stay ahead of the failure.
'Watching Your Back'
Dr. Heather Giesen
Monday, April 23, 2012
“Brown Spots in Your Lawn?”
You're proud of your lawn. You water it, feed it on schedule and try to keep the neighborhood kids off of it. But you missed a few spots with the fertilizer spreader and now dull, brown patches where the grass was STARVED of potential growth energy begin to show. A similar situation can happen inside you.
All the cells, organs and tissues that make up your body need an even distribution of neurotrophic (Life sustaining) energy from your Nerve System in order to flourish and grow. If parts of your body are deprived of this energy, likewise you'll develop dull brown patches (dis-ease) on your internal lawn. Chiropractors refer to it as being 'Subluxated.'
The goal of Chiropractic care is 100% coverage of neurotrophic Life energy in your body – and that's achieved by keeping your Nerve System clear of blockages at the spinal level. If you don't want to see ugly, brown, weak patches in your health, stay EVEN and consistent with your Chiropractic care.
'Watching Your Back'
Dr. Heather Giesen
Monday, April 16, 2012
“Unwind with Chiropractic…”
Ever feel 'wound up' from the stresses of life? You feel tight and distorted, like a rubber band that's been twisted to the brink of snapping? That tension you're feeling isn't in your head… it's actually in your Nerve System.
The constant, never ending stress of life builds tension in your nerves like an over twisted rubber band that robs you of experiencing the fullness of Life. Chiropractors refer to this state as being 'Subluxated.' If you don't regularly purge this tension from your nerves, it builds silently until a physical or emotional crisis manifests. The solution… release the tension with preventative Chiropractic care, and get control of your Life again!
Chiropractic care gently removes stress from your spine and spinal cord before a critical failure can occur. This is one 'rubber band' you need to keep clear! Unwind your stress with regular Chiropractic adjustments and start experiencing the tension free Life you were born to have.
'Watching Your Back'
Dr. Heather Giesen
Monday, April 9, 2012
“Treating the Bark vs. Adjusting the Cause…”
You walk into your Chiropractor's office, hop on a table and point to where it hurts. But the Chiropractor adjusts a totally different part of your spine… not even close to where you feel the pain. Why is that?
There's an old saying that goes when you step on a dog's tail, it barks out the other end. In Chiropractic, that means where you hurt (the bark) isn't necessarily where the problem is (the tail). Many times the symptom you feel in one area is due to a remote cause. For example, someone with sciatica may feel pain down their leg, but the cause of the problem is a Vertebral Subluxation in their spine.
Chiropractors know that if you address the cause of the symptom, the body will no longer have need to produce it. That's why Chiropractors focus on fixing underlying problems and not superficial effects. Chasing after symptoms is like a dog chasing its own tail – spinning around and around until it gets dizzy, confused and frustrated. It's much smarter to address the underlying cause from the start.
'Watching Your Back'
Dr. Heather Giesen
Monday, April 2, 2012
“Time to Get in Gear…”
When you turn your neck or twist your back does your spine snap, grind and ratchet like a bicycle chain stuck in mid gear? That grating noise could mean something's out of alignment.
Your spine is made up of movable bones called vertebrae, each joined perfectly together like the links of a bicycle chain. If one or more of these joints become stuck and misaligned it can slowly wreak havoc on the mechanical integrity of your entire spine. The result – pain, stiffness and premature arthritic changes.
Don't neglect the noises. Abnormal grinding (crepitus) of spinal joints may indicate early degenerative joint disease. Remember, unlike a bicycle chain, you can't replace spinal 'links' when they get damaged. Get your spine tuned up by a Chiropractor who is thoroughly trained in restoring the normal mechanics of your spine, and protect yourself from premature wear and tear.
'Watching Your Back'
Dr. Heather Giesen
Monday, March 26, 2012
“Symptomatic Whack-a-Mole”
The object of the carnival game Whack-a-Mole is to use a mallet to hit as many critters as possible when they pop up in random succession. Trouble is, as you hit one mole, three more pop up and disappear before you can nail them all. Whack-a-Mole is a perfect metaphor for how people are medicated today.
According to a NCHS Data brief by the CDC, over the last 10 years the percentage of Americans who took at least one prescription drug in the past month increased from 44% to 48%. The use of two or more drugs increased from 25% to 31%. The use of five or more drugs increased from 6% to 11%. Yet despite taking all these drugs, the US embarrassingly ranks 37th among the world's industrial countries when it comes overall health.
For Chiropractors, health is not defined by how many symptoms you can temporarily 'whack away' with drugs, but how well your body can adapt to its environment and heal under its own innate abilities. You have more healing intelligence in your little finger than all the doctors and pharmacies in the world put together. Big Pharma doesn't believe so, but Chiropractors do. Keep your Nerve System clear and you won’t have to play their failing game.
'Watching Your Back'
Dr. Heather Giesen
Monday, March 19, 2012
‘GET REAL’ with Chiropractic…
American TV personality and psychologist Dr. Phil doesn't hold punches when it comes to advising his guests on living a more balanced, principled life. So it should come as no surprise how he feels about Chiropractic.
On a recent show with personal Chiropractor and author Dr. Fabrizio Mancini, Dr. Phil touts the benefits he's experienced from regular care. "I've been seeing a Chiropractor a couple times a week for the past 10 years…" And you can bet it wasn't for a bad back. Dr. Phil knows Chiropractic care goes beyond helping aches and pains. It transforms your entire health and LIFE for the better – exactly what his show is all about.
If you're frustrated with your current level of health, maybe it's time to get real with a new paradigm shift. As Dr. Fab says, "we are all born with a natural ability to heal." Chiropractic care simply brings it out. And if it's good for Dr. Phil, it could be good for you too!
'Watching Your Back'
Dr. Heather Giesen
Monday, March 12, 2012
“Daylight Healing Time”
Both give you more LIGHT! Think about it. The primary purpose of Chiropractic is to locate and correct Subluxations. If you break the word down you get: SUB = less, LUX = light, and ATION = a condition.
'Watching Your Back'
Dr. Heather Giesen
Monday, March 5, 2012
“An Ounce of Chiropractic…”
There's a saying that goes an ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure. From a financial stand point, nothing could be more true when it comes to using Chiropractic care.
A 2005 study published in JMPT found "for low back and neck pain, the inclusion of Chiropractic benefits resulted in a reduction in the rates of surgery, advanced imaging, inpatient care, and x-rays." That means less unnecessary testing, less hospitalization and fewer operations when Chiropractic care is made available. The scales clearly tip in our favor.
When you keep your Nerve System clear and give your body a chance to heal itself, you end up saving tons of time, money and aggravation. Chiropractors know it. Our patients know it. We're just waiting for the rest of the world to catch on.
'Watching Your Back'
Dr. Heather Giesen
Monday, February 27, 2012
“Could You Save a LIFE?”
What does it take to save a Life? Do you need to pull a helpless swimmer from the ocean or perform CPR on a drowning victim to qualify? Or can something as simple as sharing your Chiropractic story with others count too?
If your story helps someone find a solution for their debilitating migraines… you just saved a Life. If your story empowers a family member to reduce their prescriptions, and lower their risk of becoming another 'drug error' statistic… you just saved a Life. If your story encourages a friend to stop blindly placing their health in the hands of doctors, and start placing the Doctor inside them in charge of their health… then you just saved a Life.
Do you have the power and capability to save a Life? If you know the Chiropractic story, you bet you do! The question is will you? You can't be a Chiropractic Life saver if you don't spread the word. So please, don't keep your story a secret. Tell others how your Life has improved because of Chiropractic care. You could save someone's Life when you do.
'Watching Your Back'
Dr. Heather Giesen
Monday, February 20, 2012
“When You’re Feeling Dim…”
Ever have one of those days where you just don't feel as bright as you should? Your diet's good, you're getting enough exercise but for some reason you still feel drained and unproductive. Maybe it's time for a trip to the Chiropractor…
Think of your Nerve System as electrical wires and your body a 100 watt light bulb connected to it. When the wires are clear and electricity flows freely, your bulb glows to 100 watts. But if power is restricted in the wires, your bulb dims. Chiropractors call it being Subluxated or in a 'state of less light/less energy.' And the only thing that can 'light you up' again is a specific, loving Chiropractic Adjustment.
Eating properly and getting enough exercise is important, but you'll never shine to your full potential if you're Subluxated… and you can't afford that. The world needs you beaming at 100 watts. So don't wait until your light's completely out. Get adjusted and shine bright with regular Chiropractic care!
'Watching Your Back'
Dr. Heather Giesen
Monday, February 13, 2012
“Remember to Check Your Eggs”
How many times have you had a minor fender-bender, or a slip on the ice and never gave it a second thought? Maybe your ego was bruised, but you didn't notice any outward signs of injury. What happened to you on the inside could be a different story.
After a trauma, things may appear fine on the outside, but it doesn't mean they're OK on the inside. That's why we open egg cartons and check the contents for hidden damage before we buy them. The same goes for your spine after any jolt. What may seem like a minor bump from the outside, could actually create SUBLUXATIONS on the inside. (Misaligned vertebrae that interfere with nerve function, and silently diminish health)
The solution? Get your spine checked for SUBLUXATIONS after any trauma, no matter how big or small. If your kid takes a tumble down the stairs – get them checked. If your spouse backs the car into a fence post – get them checked. If you tripped over the dog on the way to the refrigerator last night – get yourself checked too. Life's tough enough without having to live it SUBLUXATED.
'Watching Your Back'
Dr. Heather Giesen
Monday, January 30, 2012
“Innate and the Three Bears”
Remember the lead character in Goldilocks and the Three Bears? She didn't settle for too hot, or too cold – too hard, or too soft. She kept trying until she found what was JUST RIGHT. When it comes to fighting disease, your body innately strives for the same thing.
Disease is nothing more than your body performing too much or too little of something. If your thyroid is UNDER active, you have hypothyroidism. If your lungs OVER react to dust in the air, you experience asthma. If your heart pumps too HARD, you have high blood pressure. Health on the other hand is when your body is clearly directed by its inner wisdom to produce, adapt, regenerate, secrete, eliminate, filter and metabolize to a degree that's JUST RIGHT.
Chiropractors recognize that no doctor, pharmacy or research lab on the planet can live up to the awesome task of keeping EVERYTHING in your body working JUST RIGHT. Only innate intelligence, the immeasurable genius within you, is capable of handling that job. The best we can do as Chiropractors is to remove the stress that gets in its way. When we do, we know innate will only settle for what's JUST RIGHT inside you.
'Watching Your Back'
Dr. Heather L. Giesen
Monday, January 23, 2012
“Research Reveals the Key for Relieving Neck Pain”
Your neck is stiff, sore and locked up. Sleeping comfortably is a major feat and it takes an hour just to get moving in the morning. Should you call your doctor for a prescription, or maybe try a new pillow? In your case, a Chiropractor may hold the right key.
In addition to supporting the body's innate healing processes, a bonus effect of Chiropractic adjustments is the alleviation of neck pain. A recent study funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and published in the Annals of Internal Medicine verified that after 12 weeks patients who used a Chiropractor and exercise were more than twice as likely to be pain free compared to those who relied on medicine… and no side effects!
You wouldn't use chemicals to burn down your front door if you had the right key to open it in the first place, so why do that to your body? When it comes to unlocking a stubborn, painful neck it's best to seek the care of a master locksmith (a Chiropractor) whose care is precise and backed by research. In the long run you'll save time, money and frustration using the right key for the job.
'Watching Your Back'
Dr. Heather Giesen
Monday, January 16, 2012
Where the Body Finds Answers
If you doubt there's genius inside you, just consider this – the 50,000,000 cells in your body that will die while you read this sentence… your innate intelligence knows how to replace every single one of them. The trillions of impulses coursing through your Nerve System at this moment… innate is moving them at speeds approaching 248 mile per hour. The number of heartbeats you'll get in your lifetime… innate reserved around 3 billion for you.
Google may be the web's leading source for information, but it's got nothing over your innate intelligence when it comes to keeping you alive and well. Innate has solutions to just about any health challenge you have. All you have to do is search within to find the answer.
'Watching Your Back'
Dr. Heather Giesen
Monday, January 9, 2012
Start 2012 in Good Health!
2012 is the year for good health!
Give us a call today at 952-758-8760 to take advantage of our New Year Special.
The first 12 people to call will receive a Consultation, Complete Exam, Computerized Nerve Analysis, X-rays, if necessary, and a Report of Findings for ONLY $20.12! (Normally $195)
Don't delay, the spots will fill up fast!
Give us a call today at 952-758-8760 to take advantage of our New Year Special.
The first 12 people to call will receive a Consultation, Complete Exam, Computerized Nerve Analysis, X-rays, if necessary, and a Report of Findings for ONLY $20.12! (Normally $195)
Don't delay, the spots will fill up fast!
“Feeling a Bit Out of Tune?”
D.D. Palmer, the Father of Chiropractic, recognized that repetitive physical, chemical and emotional stress can alter the normal 'tone' within a person's Nerve System (a.k.a. Subluxation). This persistent irritation can lead to poor physical, mental and emotional performance. The solution? Restore normal tone to the Nerve System with specific, Chiropractic adjustments and better health will naturally follow!
Health is the 'music' that plays when all your cells, tissues and organs vibrate perfectly in unison – orchestrated by a finely tuned Nerve System. If you're feeling sluggish, weak and tired, a trip to the Chiropractor may just be the thing YOU need to get back in key.
'Watching Your Back'
Dr. Heather Giesen
Monday, January 2, 2012
Hanging with the RIGHT Crowd
There's a saying that goes 'if you want to be happy, hang out with happy people.' The same can be said for being HEALTHY. Ever notice the people who hang out at the Chiropractor's office? They're generally health conscious and excited about Life. Most of them didn't start off that way. At some point they decided to maintain their spines like other happy, healthy Chiropractic clients and eventually became happier and healthier people themselves.
If you're resolved to being more sick, more tired and more medicated, then hang out at your local pharmacy or hospital. On the other hand, if you're committed to renewing your health and improving your Life in 2012, then spend more time with people who can get you there. We'll be hanging out at the Chiropractor's office.
'Watching Your Back'
Dr. Heather Giesen
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