Thursday, June 5, 2014

Essential Oil Tip of The Week...Ninxia Red!!

NingXia Red


Item No. 3042 2 pack, 750 ml each
Whsl: $67.00
Retail: $88.00


Item No. 3044 4 pack, 750 ml each
Whsl: $120.00
Retail: $157.89

Item No. 3045 6 pack, 750 ml each
Whsl: $177.00
Retail: $232.89

 Item No. 3046 8 pack, 750 ml each
Whsl: $230.00
Retail: $302.63

 Item No. 3525 Singles 30 pack, 2 oz each
Whsl: $79.75
Retail: $104.93

Item No. 3526 Singles 60 pack, 2 oz each
Whsl: $155.75
Retail: $204.93
PV: 155.75

Item No. Singles 90 pack, 2 oz each
Whsl: $231.75
Retail: $304.93

Item No. Combo Pack
30 singles, 2 oz each and 2 750 ml bottles

Whsl: $139.75
Retail: $183.88
I am going on a little different direction this week and focusing on one of Young Livings top products. You could call it a juice or liquid supplement...but it's so much more!
Popular ways people have felt their health improve after adding NingXia Red to their diet include:

TIP 1: Eye sight, eye sight and oh yeah, eye sight. I've lost track of the number of times people have expressed improved eye sight after starting their NXR. I personally like the ones that include their eye doctors being amazed, though not understanding how and saying to them "just keep doing what you're doing because it's working!"

TIP 2: Engergy boost, a popular option to help pick up your energy, NXR is free from the bad chemicals found in popular energy drinks.

TIP 3: When you or your children are fighting a cold or the flu, NXR is a great way to enhance your body's ability to fight the attack on the system.

TIP 4: NXR is just a wonderful overall supplement for your body. If you are battling something as tough as cancer and needing chemo, taking NXR might help to strengthen your system while your body works on healing itself.

TIP 5: Detoxifying our bodies is a very powerful and important thing that we should do. NXR can be a wonderful element to use if you chose to detox, helping many of your body systems.

* Not all oils or oil companies are the same! Young Living oils are THE ONLY oils I would trust with internal use! Occasionally an oil will feel "hot", if this happens, or you get an oil in your eye, add a carrier oil to dilute it, NEVER water, remember oil and water don't mix! A good carrier oil could be Young Living's V6 oil or something you cook with like olive or coconut oil.

All information for education use only. I can not treat, diagnose or prescribe. All information is taken from the Essential Oil desk Reference.


To order your bottle of Ninxia Red,

contact Dr. Heather Giesen, Young Living Independent Distributor, Sponsor ID #1419370 952-758-8760,

To sign up with YOUR OWN Young Living Account follow this link and sign up today!
Please send me YOUR tips for the oils I am sharing with you...we learn from each other!

Let nature’s pharmacy help you out and assist your adjustment!


Heather L Giesen, DC, CACCP 

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